Okinawa AMICUS International celebrates its 10th anniversary in SY 2021.
We would like to thank everyone who has been supporting us!
卒業生からのメッセージ / Messages from Graduates
2017 graduate Riko Ota
2017 graduate Ai Ashitomi
2017 graduate Haru Nakada
2018 graduate Nina Enokawa
2018 graduate Gennosuke Kuninaka
2019 graduate Emilie Ogawa
2020 graduate Sarah Ashimine
2020 graduate Kokoro Yasunaga
2021 graduate Ken Ogawa
2021 graduate Loy Yamauchi
2021 graduate NobuhitoYoshida
Student until 2020 Yuta Hioki
2021 graduate Yutaro Matsuyama
2021 graduate Himi Yonaha
2019 graduate Ryo Sato
The 10th Anniversary of Okinawa AMICUS International
On April 23, 2022, we live-streamed the commemorative event 《Grand Finale》.
① オープニング
②「10周年記念動画 -AMICUS’s 10years in 10miniutes- 」お披露目
The unveiling “AMICUS’s 10years in 10 minutes” video
※The password is needed to watch this video.
③ メッセージ from Japan and Abroad
Message from Japan and Abroad
④ 玉城千春さん(Kiroro)を迎え、楽曲「Hope Dream Future」を子どもたちと共にお届け
Special performance of “Hope Dream Future” by Ms. Chiharu Tamashiro (Kiroro) and AMICUS Students
⑤ 校歌:教員2名による独唱および演奏
School Song:Performance delivered by 2 faculty members
⑥ クロージング
学校長あいさつ / A Messege from the Principal
The completion of the school’s first decade is a time to really look back on all that has been achieved, and how this can be a platform for success and development in the next ten years. AMICUS was founded to provide a school where children could grow up comfortable in an international environment, with the skills, confidence and ability to think, learn and act individually to the benefit of their communities, whether local or global. This anniversary has coincided with the seijinshiki of our first graduates, and I hope that what they learned at AMICUS will inspire them in their lives, just as seeing them gives us renewed inspiration to continue to innovate and ensure that the education we provide here for our children is the best that we possibly can, and to strive to continue to make the environment they spend these precious years in a wonderful world to be, and from which to grow.
在校生と教職員からのメッセージ / Messages from Students, Teachers and Staff
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Junior High School
Teachers and Staff
メディア掲載実績 / Media Coverage
新聞 / Newspaper
April 8, 2011 | 沖縄タイムス | 「沖縄アミークス開校」 |
April 8, 2011 | 琉球新報 | 「アミークス開校」うるま市197人が入学 |
May 8, 2011 | 沖縄タイムス | 「入学前102人レッスン」アミークス小 |
May 18, 2011 | 琉球新報 | 「被害の大きさわかった」アミークスで出前記者 震災取材記者 |
May 20, 2011 | 琉球新報 | 「日本語、英語流ちょうに」うるま アミークス準備校入校式 |
テレビ / TV Coverage
October 23, 2011 | 琉球放送 | 「ウチナー紀聞」アミークスの紹介 |
March 21, 2012 | 琉球朝日放送 | 「ステーションQ」アミークスの紹介 |
September 2, 2012 | 琉球放送 | 「沖縄の観光 意見発表コンクール」アミークスの紹介 |
June 6, 2013 | NHK総合 | 「おきなわHOTeye」アミークスの紹介 |
November 7, 2017 | 沖縄テレビ | 「みんなのニュースおきコア」アミークスロボティクスクラブについて |
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We look forward to hearing your feedback on our 10th anniversary and your thoughts on this page!