Mission # 2. Find any color of flower (Mar 2nd-7th)
Good job! Mission accomplished 🙂
Look what Nao found outside! 🙂
blue – アメリカンブルー pink – 鳳仙花 yellow and orange – トウワタ pink – ブーゲンビリア purple – 四角豆 white – シロバナリュウキュウコスミレ pink – ハゴロモジャスミン
She found this flower ↓
Another friend saw these flowers ↓
pink yellow
More flowers found by Kotaro
green purple yellow
Hana found these flowers ↓
white yellow red
He found these flowers ↓
yellow yellow
Here are the flowers that Rin found 🙂
red yellow red orange and yellow yellow pink and yellow
These flowers were found by Hauru ↓
red and yellow pink white purple pink yellow
Another friend found these ↓
red red purple pink
Keito O. found this yellow flower↓

Another friend found this purple flower ↓

Finally, we have few more flowers found by Neisa ↓
pink and white pink orange
Kan found these flowers ↓
purple orange
These flowers were found by Hanako ↓
yellow pink red pink purple blue yellow and orange
She found this flower ↓
Neisa found these ↓
yellow red purple white
You are doing well Kinder friends! 🙂
Mission # 1. Find shapes at home (Mar 2nd- 7th)
We hope everyone is having fun!
Here’s what Zavier found 🙂
rectangle diamond and square circle
Koki found these ↓
Our K1 friend found this ↓
Another Kinder friend found these ↓
square oval rectangle
Here’s what Kotaro found 🙂
circle square
One more friend have found these ↓
heart circle square
He also found some shapes ↓
triangle square
Another friend found these shapes ↓
square circle
Our K1 friend found these ↓
star crescent cone
Another interesting shape was found by one of our Kinder friend ↓

He found these shapes ↓
triangle rectangle circle
Hanako found these ↓
diamond circle hexagon circle
Yugen found this ↓

Good job everyone! 🙂
K1 cooking -Yomogi dango-
YOMOGI Episode 1 K1 friends collected yomogi leaves at the back of Kindergarten.
We used the leaves to dye white cloth. (please see blog posted on October 8, 2019)
On that same day, some students suggested to make Yomogi Dango.
YOMOGI Episode 2 K1 friends were really excited to make Yomogi Dango.
So, they picked yomogi leaves again. The day before cooking, they guessed what are the effects of Yomogi to our body. Many students shared their ideas but after some research, we found out that yomogi leaf is good for eyes, stomach, skin and other body parts. With this, they were more motivated to make yomogi dango and eat so they will be healthier.
「よもぎ 第一章」 K1の子どもたちは園舎の裏にあるよもぎを集め、布の染め物を体験しました。(詳しくは10月8日のブログをご参照ください。)同時に、子どもたちはよもぎ団子作りも提案してくれました。
「よもぎ 第二章」 よもぎ団子作りのをすることを本当に楽しみにしていたK1の子どもたちは、再度よもぎの葉を丁寧に摘み取りました。前の日には、よもぎにはどのような体に良い栄養が含まれているのか予想しました。「口内炎が治る。」「足が速くなる。」「お腹が治る。」などの考えを出した子どもたち。調べてみると、目やお腹や肌、その他様々な部分に良いということがわかりました。これによって、より健康になることができるよもぎ団子作りへのモチベーションがさらに高まりました。
They washed and boiled the leaves, then tossed in the blender.
They mixed rice flour with yomogi paste, knead them up, then boiled them.
They ate yomogi dango with kinako (soybean powder). Most friends really enjoyed it!!
Pizza party
K1 friends made pizza dough on Tuesday and they made pizza on Wednesday. K1 friends are now interested in plants so some of them asked K2 friends to take some basil for topping.


K1 : Searching smells ~においのある植物探し~
We walked around to look for plants that have smells. The children tried to smell some plants before exploring.

根っこ(root)の部分は、ルートビア(root beer)そっくりのにおいでした。

Inviting Grandparents
9:30 園長デイキン先生より挨拶
9:40 子ども達と一緒に歌遊び “Hey There Neighbor”
10:10 一緒にゲーム
11:00 歌 “てぃんさぐぬ花”
11:30 体育館で一緒に昼食
We are going to invite grandparents on Friday, September 13th for National Holiday “Respect for the Aged” (September 16th). We will have a special event with them. The tentative plan is as follows. The children are looking forward to seeing them so please come and have fun!
9:30 Opening remarks by Mr. Dakin
9:40 Kinder song with grandparents “Hey There Neighbor”
10:10 Game with grandparents
Break time
11:00 Song “Tinsagu nu hana”
11:30 Lunch at the Gym
Venue (場所) : Amicus Gym (アミークス体育館)
What to bring (持ち物) : Water (水)、Casual clothes (動きやすい服装)、Inside shoes (室内履き)、Lunch (ランチ)
Kindergarten Survey
日頃の幼稚園へのご協力ありがとうございます。今年度も終わりに近づき、 幼稚園に対するアンケートを行いたいと思います。ご協力よろしくお願いします。 Thank you for your support this year. We would like to ask few minutes from you to please answer our March 2019 Kinder Survey. 🙂
Lunch with G9 students
It was such a beautiful day, G9 students invited kindergarten friends to eat lunch and play together.


Thank you, G9 friends for inviting us to eat and play together!
We had so much fun!