Our Vice Principal, Mr. Eng Hai Tan, gave all AMICUS students a message just before the clock struck 14:46 today. The students once again learned what happened and what has been happning in Tohoku for this opportunity.
(和訳) 2011年3月11日、それはいつも通りのごくありふれた日でした。しかし予期せぬことが起こりました。これは何時でも、何処でも、誰にでも起こり得ることです。3年前、この予期せぬことは東日本の人々に起こりました。午後2時46分、大地震が東北を襲い、大津波で多くの家が流され、命を奪い、後には痛みと悪夢だけを残していきました。
(原文) It was an ordinary day, like any other day on 11 March 2011. But something unexpected happened and this could happen to anybody, anytime, anywhere. However, 3 years ago, the unexpected happened to the people of Eastern Japan. At 14:46, an a severe earthquake hit the Tohoku area and tsunami swept away many homes, took away many lives and left behind nothing, nothing but pain and nightmares.
It has been three years now, but the pain still remains. Let’s take a minute to remember and pray for the victims. (The entire school stood still in silence for a minute)
Let’s appreciate every day and not take what we have for granted.