Today's AMICUS 2025 / 02 / 27

 G7 Natural Disaster Prevention Project 

Grade 7 has worked on project-based learning about “Natural Disaster Prevention” since January.

They learned about the type of natural disaster through AMICUS English class, learned mechanisms in science, read/created a hazard map in social studies, and learned about dietary challenges under the disastrous situation in home economics. 

They went to the Nago City Disaster Prevention Training Center to experience how to act during/after the disaster through the actual simulations.

On the next day, Geologist Dr. Usami came to AMICUS from the Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum, and gave the G7 students a special lecture about the features of the natural disaster and nature in Okinawa.

He also showed them a few types of volcanic pumice and rocks.

They learned lots of new things about natural disasters that happened on the islands from a geological point of view.


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