From P's Room 2024 / 08 / 07

Okinawa Prefecture Private Elementary School Teachers' Training Seminar

On Tuesday, July 30th, the “Teachers’ Training Seminar” organized by the Okinawa Prefecture Private Elementary School Association was held at Amicus. More than 70 teachers, including those from Amicus Elementary School, gathered in Amicus’ multi-purpose hall.

The seminar began with a lecture by Professor Nobuhisa Higa from the Graduate School of Education at the University of the Ryukyus, on the theme of “Reasonable Accommodation: Effective Responses for Students Needing Support in Learning.” This was followed by opinion exchanges and case reports among the participants, and guidance and advice from the lecturer.

What left a lasting impression on me were points such as “Privileges are hard to see for those who have them,” “Everyone has different levels of preference,” “Some children are hypersensitive while others are insensitive,” “Sometimes we regard children who cannot behave like others as having problematic behavior,” and “It is important to guide children in ways that enhance their self-esteem.”

That being said, what impressed me the most was not the content of the seminar but the excellent teamwork of the Amicus faculty. This time, Ms. Collins played a central role, with Mr. Hosono, the chief of academic affairs, and Mr. Terada from the RDC acting as the executive committee to formulate the implementation plan. Additionally, the grade-level teachers were responsible for various tasks such as venue cleanup, collecting survey papers and clipboards, providing drinks and snacks, and leading the breakout sessions. The office staff, as always, responded promptly to numerous sudden requests, for which I am deeply grateful.

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