From P's Room 2024 / 07 / 30

Perspectives on Choosing Private Elementary Schools Strong in English

In public elementary schools, third and fourth graders have started one hour of foreign
language activities per week, and fifth and sixth graders have begun two hours of English
learning per week since the 2020 academic year. This change reflects the increasing
importance of English in society. Consequently, parents are becoming more interested in
private elementary schools that emphasize English education. Here, I would like to discuss
how to choose a private elementary school strong in English.
Private elementary schools that prioritize English education can be broadly classified into
the following three categories:
1. Schools Introducing Early English Education
These schools start English education from the first grade and increase the learning hours.
Such schools are expected to be more effective than public schools in familiarizing children
with English and helping them acquire pronunciation skills.
2. English Immersion Schools
English immersion education involves learning almost all subjects in English. In English
immersion schools in Japan, it is common to learn all subjects in English except for some,
like Japanese language. The extent to which subjects are taught in English greatly
influences the improvement of English skills. Typically, students in general English
immersion schools are expected to reach the level of Eiken Grade 2 by the end of the sixth
grade and Eiken Pre-1 by the end of the ninth grade.
3. International Schools
These schools have a multinational student body and conduct all classes in English. From
the perspective of English proficiency, they are considered to provide the most effective
education. However, since Japanese language classes are often not offered, there may be
issues with reading and writing in Japanese.
Okinawa AMICUS International School is classified as an English immersion school. It
conducts classes in Japanese for subjects like Japanese language and parts of social
studies. While emphasizing the maintenance of high Japanese proficiency, the school aims
for students to be able to fully utilize English as a tool by the time they graduate from junior
high school.
There is no doubt that English proficiency will become increasingly important in future
society. Parents may often worry about which school to send their children to. It is essential
to make a careful choice, considering the child's characteristics and future educational
paths after junior high school. Moreover, schools are not only places to learn English but
also to lay the foundation for a child's lifelong development. When choosing a school, I
hope you will look not only at its English education but also at the overall educational
content it offers. For more information about the educational content of Okinawa AMICUS
International School, please visit the school's website:

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