Today's AMICUS 2024 / 05 / 31

A Moment at AMICUS Part 2

Today, as part of the Japanese class, 6th graders visited the AMICUS office.

The activity was an opportunity for the children to review the good qualities of AMICUS and interview the people behind it.

Many questions came up about the bus and the after-school kids’ club.

Some of them were very insightful!



They carefully summarized what they interviewed and heard in their notebook.



The interviews also took place in another part of the office.



G6 students asked the office staff, in charge of recruitment, such as “Why are there teachers from many different countries at AMICUS?”

Why are we using English at school? Why not Chinese?”

Some of the questions were unexpected and the office staff was impressed by their creative questions!


And here is AMICUS on another day.


A staff member found a cicada larva that had fallen on the ground in front of the entrance, and in an effort to save it, she brought it to AMICUS, moved it to a corner of a plant in the corridor, and watched its progress…

And later that day…





It hatched safely and became a fine cicada!

The next day, only the cicada shells were left behind.

You can see various insects, creatures and plants all over AMICUS.

Many children come to school because they look forward to seeing them!



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