Today's AMICUS 2024 / 03 / 11

G6 PBL Presentation

March is graduation season in schools. AMICUS is no exception.

Graduation day is getting closer and closer for the G6 students.



Today, they gave group presentations on the countries of the world they researched in PBL.
Each group presented its research on various countries.
Did everyone listen carefully?
Let’s see….We’ll have a quiz to check your understanding!
Mr. Dakin, who was there to observe the presentation, also tried his hand at the quiz!
“Mr. Berry…. How do I connect to Kahoot??”
They had a great time competing with each other to see who could answer the question correctly and how fast they could answer it!
How many countries did you learn about today?
We have only one more week to chat and work on project like this with our classmates…
But let’s cherish the time we have left until graduation!

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