Today's AMICUS 2023 / 07 / 12

Special Sophie's Time Lecture

AMICUS held a special lecture for G5 – G9 students.



The special lecturer this time was social activist Mr. Shun Takenaka, who runs an orphanage in Nepal and is a father of 35 children!



After sharing about the significance of social contribution and the reality of international society, Mr. Takenaka had lunch with the G5 students and played soccer with them during lunch break to bond.




The students commented, “I realized how lucky I am to be in the environment I am in now,”




“I now have a stronger desire to help children without parents.” They seemed to be moved by Mr. Takenaka’s work.



We thank Mr. Takenaka for coming to AMICUS and everyone at SHinE for planning and conducting this event!



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