Today's AMICUS 2021 / 02 / 03

Kinder-G3 "Art Exhibition"

The annual “Art Exhibition” was held in January at the AMICUS Media Center (the library).
During the event, artworks created by students from kindergarten through junior high school were displayed which made the media center very vibrant!
Here are the artworks mede by kindergarteners to 3rd graders!


They made some works based on their experiences of potato digging and a trip to the zoo which they went for their field trip.


They made stained glass. When you see it through the light, colorful and beautiful patterns come up!


They enjoyed making tie-dye bags and scratch art which are very fascinating with their brilliant colors!


They made paper printings and colored them.
Their colorful and unique works are very eye-catching!
Elementary also exhibited their class flags that were made by each class!

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