Today's AMICUS 2020 / 12 / 08

AMICUS Kids / Junior Club #2


At AMICUS, we have 15 different clubs that spend two hours on their activities after school. 

Students can learn from professional instructors in each club, and there are various genres!

We would like to introduce 11 types of clubs that are currently active in AMICUS, divided into three categories; sports, tradition/culture, and music.


★Tradition & Culture

Pottery Club

In pottery club, each child was working on their pottery making dishes and ornaments of their favorite characters by shaping the pottery with their hands and using pottery wheels.

There were many pottery works made by students at the pottery club bungalow.

Pottery is one of the popular clubs in AMICUS!




Fun Calligraphy Club

Calligraphy club is for elementary students.

The instructor was giving each student some advice according to their levels.

The students also apply to the calligraphy contest.

They were practicing so hard during the club.




Fabric Dyeing Club

On this day, the fabric dyeing club was using a plant called “madder root” to dye fabric and masks.

As the name of the plant, it created a beautiful madder red color.

They also made bingata coasters. What a brilliant and beautiful color!




Hula Club

There are students from G1 to G9 in AMICUS Hula club.

On this day, they were practicing by dividing members into two groups.

One group was practicing basic hula steps and using some instruments.

And the other was recording the video for the event “Global Festa Okinawa 2020” held by JICA Okinawa.

They looked so beautiful with the costume and hair makeup!




AMICUS Katare Club

On this day, they were practicing in two groups, beginner and advanced.

Everyone looked serious while they were practicing the karate forms.

The members of the karate club are working hard to improve their skills with the help of their experienced instructors, and have acquired many awards!




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