Today's AMICUS 2020 / 10 / 29

【Kinder】Digging sweet potatoes


Kindergarten friends went on their first field trip this year!


After one of the farmers explained about the potato fields, the children vigorously dug up the sweet potatoes while feeling the texture of the soil with their hands and shovels.


“There are baby potatoes!”
“I’ve got such a big potato!”
“Lots of potatoes are connected with one vine!”


Some friends were saying “Untokosho! dokkoisho!” mimicking a character from the story “The Gigantic Turnip” while digging the potatoes.


The children seemed to enjoy themselves very much and they were saying “We want to come back next year again!”


Afterwards, they had lunch at Zanpa park near the potato field, played at the playground, and visited the Zanpa lighthouse.


The weather couldn’t be better on that day. Everyone enjoyed not only the sweet potato digging but also playing in the park.




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