Today's AMICUS 2020 / 02 / 20

【EL】G4: Welcome Mr. Bokunen to AMICUS!

It has been the 5th year since AMICUS 4th graders annually creates a huge woodblock printing (hanga).
4th graders visited Bokunen art museum last October to get some ideas and inspiration from his works.
After their visit to the museum, they worked on their woodblock printing themed “The ocean seen from gama cave”.
On February 14th, we invited Mr. Bokunen and showed their completed work.
4th graders looked pleased when Mr. Bokunen commented
“Wasn’t the design hard for you to work as your very first woodblock printing? But it turned out to be a well-expressed work!” 
4th graders were further inspired by Mr. Bokunen’s warm words.
At the end, grade 4 showed their appreciation with their beautiful singing.
Thank you very much Mr. Bokunen!!

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