The Junior High School Students had their Junior High Olympic over the weekend.
Here are some highlights of the event.
Opening Ceremony
Junior High Students were divided into 4 different teams. Each team’s flag was shining as the four competing teams entered the field.
They are ready for the games!!!
Athlete’s Oath
In the name of all competitors,
I promise we should keep part in these Olympicgames,
respecting the true spirit of sportsmanship for glory of sports and the honour of our teams.
70m, 150m DASH
The event started with one of the most exciting events of the day: the 70m, and 150m dash.
Since the students are all quite physically fit, each runner was quite neck-and-neck with each other!
Students cheered as much as they could for their teammates.
The event was named after the famous monkey from “The Journey West”.
Just like the monkey who walks on clouds in the story, students swiftly walked on the back of their teammates. The students who have been walked on need to keep making a bridge for their fellow monkey to walk over, so they had to continually run in front of each other. The game involved a lot of speed.
Another common event for sports day is the tug-of-war challenge.
Students pulled the ropes as hard as they could.
Obstacle Race
Under the net,
Over the hurdles,
Jumping with a ball in between their legs,
and, finally, after spinning around a baseball bat,
the goal is right there!!!
Afternoon Events – DANCE, KARATE, and EISA
The 7th graders have practiced their dance for quite a while. They all had sharp dancing moves.
8th grade students demonstrated a “kata”, which is a series of karate movements and choreography.
Their fierce punches and voices pierced the air; You could even hear the wind get cut in half!
The final dance was Eisa, a native Okinawan dance, performed by the G9 students. The powerful Eisa drums were awesome!!!
Closing Ceremony
The day proceeded along quickly and, before we knew it, it was time to close the event. We all bowed together to the parents, dancers, and specialty teachers who have supported the students over the past couple months. We weren’t able to come this far if we didn’t have their support.
Monday they cleaned the tents and ironed the costumes they used.
They made sure the goods were returned in new fashion.