AMiCUS Kindergarten makes time for children to discuss topics they may want to engage the following month.
When children can show they are focused on any chosen topic, teachers may choose to extend learning time.
We know how motivated they are about learning!
Kindergarten went to visit the zoo (kodomo-no-kuni) soon after summer break.
It gave kids a spark of inspiration, especially K2 kids, and now, they all want to know more about animals.
You can see it in their eyes!
Teachers get together to discuss how they might include topics of interest into their lessons.
“Should we have children work in groups? … and have them present their work to their classmates?”
Teachers are willing to spend extra time to discuss their students, and how great they are!
It’s now up to the adults to make sure we don’t limit the kids’ opportunity for learning.
After discussing, we decided to assign ourselves into groups.
One group chose to gather information on animals’ bodies, while other groups were interested to know more about habitats…
Again, we came together in a circle to check whether we all agree on the information we found.
“So we grouped a list of topics for you to search. Is this OK?”

I’m really looking forward to see what they are going to work on, and what they come up with.