Settling the Soil!
While having the Peace Week, the G5 students have been working on their Rice Field Project for Social Studies.
Today, they went out to the field to even out the mud and settle the soil.
“Hey there are some tadpole eggs!!!” Very good eyes they have.
They’re already experiencing some work of life. This is quite natural for AMICUS as we are surrounded by nature.
Trust the boys to jump in first.
Looks like they’re enjoying the gooey sound it makes as they step into the mud.
It’s something they don’t get to touch that often.
“Hey!! You need to get in too!!” called the two girls.
Obviously, it doesn’t make sense at all if it’s just the students going in.
Even if you’re not scared of going in, it still takes quite a bit of courage getting dirty.
He just can’t stop smiling for that sensation that goes through between his fingers as he crushes that blob of mud in his hand.
The Okinawan sunshine warms up the rice field into a nice heated pool.
There’s always at least one student getting in like this, whenever they have lessons like this.
If we start classifying things into terms of “dirty=bad”, and “clean=good”, I don’t think the students learn what they really need. Sometimes lessons like this, where they go outside and get dirty, is necessary.
We can see the parents’ faces when they get home, of course. Thank you for doing laundry!!

Today, we called in a professional to give us a lecture on how to do this properly. We’ve come a long way for this, and now, the rice plants are going in.
Our lecturer showed us the method of rice-planting with his hand-written instruction.
Then he demonstrates…wow, he is quick, and neat.
It’s not as easy as it seems.
And then it’s the students’ turn.
They need to be careful not to fall into the mud this time.
Thank you!!! Very polite of her.
We respect the elders.
“This is not the end. We need to take out all the weeds whenever they start growing. Whenever there is a bird-attack, we need to cover the field with nets. And most of all, it’s always import to take records of the growth.”
We all took in his words.
From now on, the management of rice field is into the students’ hands.
Special Notice!!!
Our 8th grader, Nanami Yamauchi will be on TV! The TV crew visited AMICUS too! So I think AMICUS will be shown on TV as well! Please check it out if you have time!
June 23rd, Saturday 7:00 pm~ TBS【Honoo no Taiikukai TV】