Today's AMICUS 2018 / 05 / 16

【Junior High School】G2 & G9 Sports Test.

Today, the G2 students had their Sports Test. As they were waiting in, we heard the G9 students coming in with a very polite “yoroshikuonegaishimasu!!” greeting. The students know their manners really well by the time they become 9th graders. The G2 students were looking at the G9 students with great respect as they were coming in. We saw the G2 students tilting their head back to capture the whole body of the G9 students, because they were twice as tall.


The 9th graders guided the younger students efficiently to their designated events. They all know what they need to be careful with each events, as the G2 students are not yet ready for accurate measurement. In the Shuttle-Run section, the 9th graders supervised the finished runners, and gave a direction to cheer the runners, so the waiting students don’t get bored or start playing around. In the Sit-Ups section the G9 students were making sure the G2 students have their arms crossed on their chests. Students can be aware of many things by the time they get to junior high school.


The second graders will, seven years later, do the same for the younger students with the great experience they’ve had today.   


Children grow up so much in seven years. It was a heartwarming moment to catch a glimpse of  their growth.

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