K1 friends drew the pictures of what they want to do their best at. Although our Sports Day was postponed they are still looking forward to doing their best.
We did a “Halloween Stamp Rally” outside after reading a story book about Halloween. Our Kindergarteners enjoyed variety of games prepared by teachers in each station!
K1 friends have started our OCTOBER THEME which is PLANTS.
It started with our SEPTEMBER THEME which is BUTTERFLY. K1 friends enjoyed the activities and learned more about butterfly.
At the end, everyone thought of providing food for the butterfly so, we decided to plant some flowers. They also made their own planter using pet bottles.
Today’s weather was gloomy and sad but it ended wonderfully for our K1 friends. We found the nice timing in between those rain, thunder and lightning to have water play. We were lucky to have more than an hour to play in the pool and water slide at the back of Kindergarten. Everyone enjoyed and are looking forward for our next water play on July 22nd.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding dear parents 🙂