Everyone enjoyed their first P.E. for this school year. Thank you so much for your cooperation of letting them wear their P.E. Uniform. Have a great day!
Tomorrow, April 21, 2022 will be our first P.E. day. Please don’t forget to let your child wear your P.E. uniform tomorrow. Please bring extra clothes (AMICUS gray t-shirt and blue pants) as well.
Thank you and we are looking forward to have fun and energy-filled Physical Education activities with our Kinder friends.
Our week has been a great, busy week. We teachers are learning all of our new K1s’ names and faces and personalities. Yes, there was some crying, but there was a lot of smiling and laughing throughout this week, too. We would like to share some of this week’s pictures with you. Please enjoy!
Coming to school…
Snack Time/ Lunch Time
Circle Time
Kinder Tour
Reading Time
Stations Time (free play)
Story Time- We read a book about “poop”. It was very interesting for K1s. With the book we learned about horses poop so we check our AMICUS horses to see what their poop looks like. Many friends are interested in horses and enjoyed watching our special animals.
Circle Time Team-building Activity- Brown Bear puzzle
AMICUS School Tour- K1s learned a lot about our campus. We also enjoyed playing outside in the beautiful weather.
Thank you parents and guardians for all of your support for our K1s throughout this year. We appreciate you!
We would like to take some time to share a photo review for you so we can see all our amazing K1s learned and accomplished this year. We explored three major themes this year- PLANTS, INSECTS & BUGS and EARTH SAVING. We will post them as a 3-part series. Our Theme Projects were decided on by the students, which greatly motivated them to learn more month by month. Please enjoy and please praise your child for a job well done this year!
Part 3- EARTH SAVERS!「アースセイバー」
For our final Theme Project of K1 we focused on learning about the SDGs- Sustainable Development Goals. Our first Earth Saver challenge was to eat all our lunch every day and not waste precious food. It became our Perori Challenge!
K1s became interested in becoming Earth Savers in more ways all the time. Once they understood the importance of not wasting and of throwing away garbage properly they quickly moved on to thinking about the importance of pick up garbage around them. So we started taking regular walks around AMICUS to pick up garbage to clean up.
Since we had to learn what to do with the garbage we picked up we spent many Activity Time lessons learning about sorting garbage and what happens to our garbage when we throw it away. It was so interesting!
K1s learned to identify and sort “burnable”, “non-burnable”, and “compost” garbage. We were able to use what we learned about garbage in our Kinder Performance Day video as well.
Because K1s enjoyed being Earth Savers so much they were super motivated to share what they learned with the rest of AMICUS. They thought the best way to teach about SDGs was to make posters and post them around the school for everyone to see. They made groups and decided of what SDG to teach AMICUS. We took a walk to see how effective posters are at teaching information. K1s took photos of interesting posters and thought about how they could make their posters interesting, too.
We looked around the school for the best place to post our posters. Then we got Mr. Dakin’s permission to post our posters. K1s were so excited for the whole school to see their hard work.
We posted our posters and invited AMICUS to join us on an EARTH SAVER POSTER TREASURE HUNT! All AMICUS had to search for our posters and take pictures of which poster they found. K1s made a commercial to send their message. It was exciting! Parents CAN VIEW this commercial on YouTube and see their great job.
Thank you parents and guardians for all of your support for our K1s throughout this year. We appreciate you!
We would like to take some time to share a photo review for you so we can see all our amazing K1s learned and accomplished this year. We explored three major themes this year- PLANTS, INSECTS & BUGS and EARTH SAVING. We will post them as a 3-part series. Our Theme Projects were decided on by the students, which greatly motivated them to learn more month by month. Please enjoy and please praise your child for a job well done this year!
Part 2- INSECTS & BUGS「昆虫(虫)」
For this Theme Project we caught and observed live insects, focused on that what Insects are, what is the difference between an Insect and a Bug, learned which are safe and which are dangerous, etc. We even cared for our class pet, Lucky, a rare yellow praying mantis and MORE!
Learning about Insects’ bodies and catching Insects around our Kinder Playground.
We learned about safe and dangerous Insects. K1s learned this new vocabulary and it all throughout the year.
K1s combined their Phonics skills and their Insects knowledge to enjoy an ABC Insect & Bugs Treasure Hunt. Afterward they made artwork about the Insects they found. They learned new phrases like “L is for ladybug.”
フォニックスで学んだことや虫についての知識を合わせ、虫探しを楽しみました。その後は見つけた虫の作品作りをし、「〇 is for 〇〇.」といった新たなフレーズも覚えました。「L is for ladybug.」
We enjoyed a special The Very Hungry Caterpillar felt apron theater time. From this we started learning about the butterfly life cycle.
We welcomed Lucky, to our K1 family and took care of her for one month. We learned about what praying mantis’ like to eat, how often the eat, how to feed her, how to clean Lucky’s cage and More!
After learning a lot about Insects & Bugs and taking care of Lucky, it was time to finish our project and let Lucky go back to the forest. Thank you, Lucky, for helping us to learn so much about the small world of insects and bugs!