Amicus Kindergarten

Learning to play. Playing to learn. :-)

Exploring our AMICUS FOREST :)

We invited Mr. Takeru Naka, an insect specialist in Okinawa.

Our K2 friends are learning about insects. Some of them shared what they have learned so far, like their favorite insects and life cycle of a particular insect.

Then, Mr. Naka gave us a lecture about some insects that are rare or can only be found in OKINAWA. Here are some of them:

After that, we went to the FOREST!!!

It was a mix of catching bugs, insects and other interesting living things in the forest. K1 friends observed many plants along the way, too. At the same time, they asked many questions and learned many things about what they saw there.

Here is a closer look of what we have found in the forest.

They are really interesting. Some of them can be touched because they are safe but a few things are dangerous so our Kinder friends were asked to be careful.

The smile on their faces and the curiosity in their eyes says it all. It was indeed an informative and joyful experience for our young learners 🙂

Lastly, our Kinder friends decided to catch and take care of this pregnant praying mantis 🙂 Good job Kinder friends!

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More Swimming Memories…

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Colorful Day 2021

To promote diversity and celebrate their differences and uniqueness, AMICUS Kindergarten joined the school-wide COLORFUL DAY event today. Kinder friends came in their favorite color clothes.

*Making decoration

*SURVEY: What is your favorite color?

*Game 1: COLOR Fruit Basket

*Game 2: Relay

*Picture time

*Lunch with their friends


*Home Time

P.S. They took off their masks for this picture just for few seconds and wore them asap.

Thank you FUN TEAM for this FUN DAY! 🙂

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Last week of K1

Last week was very busy for K1 friends.

K1 friends were very busy last week. We would like to share our many activities!

Circle time – Brown Bear Book puzzle –

English Music – Spring Song –


Activity – I’m special –

We will enjoy this week too!!!!

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Bus and Safety Rules Orientation

This week we had two important orientations so that our students may have awareness of safety in the buses and on the roads.

K1 and K2 Bus Orientation

When our students ride the bus for any event or field trip, it is important that they know what to do if there is an emergency. Thus, our teachers and SENON staff helped them learn to be calm and listen so that they can safely evacuate when needed.

K1 and K2 Traffic Safety Rules

Gushikawa Police Officers came and taught our friends to how to safely cross the road in order to avoid any accident.

Lastly, we close our week with a good weather. K1 and K2 friends ate and play outside together. 🙂

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Happy Mother’s Day

To the world you are a MOTHER, but to your FAMILY, YOU are the WORLD. -Unknown

We appreciate all your efforts and love dear AMICUS Moms. With this, our Kindergarteners made their own presents for you.

K1 friends made aroma candles and cards.

K2 friends made bougainvillea garlands with their messages and pictures.

We wish you a wonderful day and we hope that you like their personally-handcrafted gift for YOU.

おかあさん いつも ありがとう❤️

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K1 friends had a fun time this week!

This week we started our All about me activities to get to know each other better. Students first made their handprint tree.

K1 students decided what they want to learn for their main theme. They chose between animals, sea animals, space, insects, and plants. We took a vote and it was decided that we will learn about… Plants!

On Wednesday we had our first Kinder Birthday Party. We had a great time celebrating our April birthday friends. K2 friends played the piano, MC’d and performed tricks using tops (koma) and kendama.

We made carp streamer art (koinobori) for Children’s Day.

K1s enjoyed English music time this week, singing Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, playing Simon Says, and learning our spring song and poem.

Because of the beautiful weather we enjoyed eating and playing outside.

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This week in fun K1!

We did SO MANY things this week in K1! We really want to show you…

Nature Walk- We walked around Amicus and saw many different trees, flowers, fish, horses, birds and more! We collected many nature materials for our activities.

Getto leaf boats– One K1 friend made a getto leaf boat at home and brought it to show friends. Students said they want to make one, too. So we collected many getto leaves on our nature walk and made leaf boats.

Japanese music- This week students enjoyed their first Japanese music lessons. They are learning about rhythm, movement, and how to sing こいのぼり.

P.E.- Last week we enjoyed playing with balloons in the Gym. This week K1s learned how to use good manners in the gym, and how to stretch their bodies well, and how to have fun “P.E. style“. They enjoyed moving like animals and practicing their jumping.

Outside play- We spent a lot of time outside this week. We enjoyed running, playing, digging in the sandbox and catching tadpoles and frogs. Students wanted to learn more about frogs so they read books about frogs. After observing them, they let it go.

K1 garden- We started planting seeds in our planter pots. We are looking forward to learning how plants and food grow!

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Remembering 3.11 Tsunami in Northeastern Japan

Last Thursday was the 10th Anniversary of the Tsunami that claimed many lives and resources in Northern part of Japan.

Mr. Hosono talked about the areas affected by the tsunami.

Later on, we watched the actual footage from Youtube. It was heartbreaking and shocking for our Kindergarteners as they cannot imagine the intensity of that event.

Then, he shared about his family’s experience whose living in Tokyo at that time.

After that, we offered 1 minute of silence to remember the victims of the disaster.

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K1 Kendama Kentei (Part 2)

Our K1 friends tried one more time to pass different Kendama levels.

These are the friends to participated in LEVEL 10.

These friends advanced to LEVEL 9 🙂

One of our friends also PASSED LEVEL 9 before so, she joined the next level challenger. Moving on to LEVEL 8 🙂

Akito, Tomoka and Keita passed LEVEL 8 so they can challenge the next levels next time 🙂

On the other hand, this K1friends passed Level 8 before so he tried LEVEL 7 this time. 🙂

He did it 😉 He passed LEVEL 7. You may challenge to level up next time 🙂

Good job everyone 🙂 Nice try! 🙂

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