We have finished learning calligraphy with Mr. Nakasone for the year. We enjoyed each lesson. We hope K2 friends will enjoy practicing calligraphy throughout their elementary school years. Thank you, Mr. Nakasone, for so many fun lessons!
Tops Tournament 2021
We did our first Tops (Koma) Tournament. Everyone tried their best (even teachers, too!). Everyone showed good sportsmanship- “Challenge and Try!” Everyone had a great time! Enjoy some of our pictures.
Our three champions: #1- Rikyo! #2- Norris! #3- Mr. Hosono! Congratulations!
We will continue Kendama and Tops challenge in Kinder. Now our Kinder friends are so into it. (They might have asked you to buy top and kendama to practice more.)
Kinder friends enjoy practicing and improving their skills.
Good job, Kinder friends! We look forward to seeing the next stage of this challenge!
K1 Kendama Test (Part1)
Inspired by our K2 friends who showed their enthusiasm in playing Kendama, our K1 friends also challenged themselves to pass 3 levels.
In a short period of time, they practiced and showed their skills.
The following friends passed Level 10.

Then, they had Level 9 🙂 They were nervous but they reached the next level of challenge.

These two friends successfully made it! They passed Level 9.

Down to our last challenge of the day. Level 8 is quite challenging but they were ready to try. 🙂

He passed Level 8.

Teachers also challenged and tried. 🙂

We congratulate everyone for taking up the challenge of KENDAMA 🙂
“Losing doesn’t mean you fail. It means you have to try harder to succeed next time.”
We will hold our next test next month so our K1 friends have more chances of showing their skills in different levels.
Good luck and do your best K1 Friends. We are proud of your new found interest. 🙂
Crazy Hair Day
Everyone came to school with their unique style and they were welcomed with beautiful smiles by their friends. 🙂
Look at our Kinder friends in their crazy hair 🙂
Here are K2 friends 🙂
P.S. Masks were taken off only during picture taking time.
We also visited the office, library, G1 and G2 friends.
What a crazy hair day! Thank you dear parents for your support and cooperation 🙂
Have a nice weekend♪
Enjoying the Cherry Blossoms
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom around Kinder and we enjoyed some time sketching our different cherry blossom scenes…
Last year K2 teachers made pottery magnets. Recently our K2 friends said they want to make pottery magnets, too. So we met our Amicus pottery teacher, Ms. Hasegawa, to start our mini pottery project- magnets!
K1 (Playdough) Muchi Making
Originally, we planned to have Marathon and Muchi Making today but due to the current pandemic as well as the weather today we were not able to proceed as planned.
However, we thought that a fun muchi making activity is necessary for our K1 friends to learn about Okinawan culture.
First, we let them watch and listen to a story about “Muchi”
Then, we started making the playdough mix using flour, salt, oil, water and food color.
Next, we made muchi using playdough and wrapped it with “getto no happa” (getto leaf).
Then, they enjoyed playing and making many things with the leftover playdough that they took home eventually.
※Please refrain from eating this playdough. このムーチーは食べられません。

Happy Friday indeed! 🙂
This week in K2…
We enjoyed our last calligraphy class with Mr. Nakasone. Mr. Nakasone taught K2 friends many different kanji. Students wrote their favourite kanji and completed our Happy New Year 2021 calligraphy artwork.
Pottery project- We started making magnets using clay. We met Ms. Hasegawa, our Amicus Pottery teacher. We learned about making clay pottery.
Our marathon tomorrow will be postponed but we have enjoyed practicing every day. We look forward to next week. Students will to their best next week.