K1s have been enjoying many art projects recently. We decorated our classrooms and hallways with caterpillars and butterflies, ghosts and pumpkins.
Butterfly life cycle branches.
Hallowe’en hand and foot print art
Origami Pumpkins
Origami ninjas
K1s have been enjoying many art projects recently. We decorated our classrooms and hallways with caterpillars and butterflies, ghosts and pumpkins.
Butterfly life cycle branches.
Hallowe’en hand and foot print art
Origami Pumpkins
Origami ninjas
Thank you dear parents for your cooperation in sending your child to school early in the morning everyday 🙂
Since our Sports Day is coming soon, our K2 friends has been busy preparing and practicing everyday. We start the day from 8:15 in the morning. They get ready their things and go outside. From 8:20, we have our morning exercise and challenge. You might have heard it from them or they may have asked you to buy hula hoop or jump rope, again thank you for listening to your child. They have been showing so much improvement in the skills that they have chosen to challenge and try.
We also have Eisa practice every Thursday with our special teachers.
Aside from that, we also have P.E. during the other days.
They have been trying their best everyday so we always remind them to eat healthy food, drink lots of water, rest and sleep early so that they may have the energy to enjoy our busy schedule everyday. They are motivated to show their best to you DEAR PARENTS, so we appreciate your continued support and understanding. 🙂
Our K2 friends have been taking care of our GARDEN since APRIL. 🙂 It is a part of our morning routine to clean up outside, give water to our plants and of course, plant new plants. Here are some of the plants that we had and have in our garden.4がつからK2のみんなで おせわしている やさいやはな などのしょくぶつたち!
First, we planted OKRA 🙂 They produced and we harvested lots of Okra but later on, the leaves slowly decreased as they were eaten by the caterpillars and other insects. Well, it is part of the give and take of the circle of life.
We also harvested CARROTS, BITTER MELON and BELL PEPPER from our garden. 🙂
We heard that PANDAN has a fragrant leaves and it is commonly use as flavoring in the Philippines and other countries in Asia. Luckily, we received these “screwpine” leaves from one of our parents from Thailand. 🙂
During Spring, we also planted some FLOWERS to give color to our surroundings.
AVOCADO is one of the healthiest vegetable/fruit that’s why it is loved by many but growing it is a challenge. Our K2 friend here, did a great job of growing this avocado from home and brought it to school. It is growing steadily and we are excited to see it bigger and bear fruit :)アボカドはたねから そだててこんなにおおきくなりました!
Look at these trees. These are from the seeds that we literally just put on the soil and behold, we have these growing PAPAYA and MANGO trees. Amazing! :)やさいやくだもののコンポストから、マンゴーやパパイヤのめがでました!たいせつにそだてたらこんなに おおきくなりました!
We also have SWEET POTATO in our garden. We just planted the stems and see how many potatoes it will produce in the coming months. 😉
Check out this ONIONS! We usually use lots of onions in our cooking so, we thought of planting some as well. They are growing fast 🙂
Since we have lots of plants in our garden, it is easy to forget what plant is it, so our Kinder friends thought of making PLANT SIGNS 🙂 This also lead us to a decision for our K2 THEME from this month which is PLANT.
せんしゅうから あたらしくテーマがきまりました!「しょくぶつ」です!さっそくみんなで、かんばんづくり♪
This is BANANA BLOSSOM/FLOWER. In the Philippines, we use this to cook a healthy dish with coconut milk. ようちえんでそだてている バナナがそだったら、みんなでつくって たべたいね♪
We hope to take care and learn more of our plants which is the main source of our food and oxygen! これからも みんなで おせわをして しょくぶつのアクティビティも いっぱいしようね! :)
We researched the many foods that our class friend Lucky can eat. We made a feeding schedule. This week Lucky ate yogurt! K1s were so excited to feed Lucky new foods.
We are continuing our Insects and Bugs Theme by focusing on the BUTTERFLY. K1s voted and said they want to learn about butterflies. We asked K1s “What do you know about butterflies?” K1s know a LOT! Then we asked, “What do you want to learn about butterflies?” Hey have MANY questions! Please ask your K1 what they are learning about BUTTERFLIES.
Class discussion about butterflies
K1s did leaf rubbing wings and made beautiful butterflies.
Butterfly activity
This week K1 explored the Amicus forest and found a very rare YELLOW praying mantis. Students want to observe and take care of her for one month. They decided to call her “Lucky”.
We enjoyed discovering many other little creature friends during our nature walks and outside play times this week.
After observing the bugs and insects we returned them to the forest.
We have started to prepare for Family Sports Day. K1s enjoyed their outside P.E. time.
We enjoyed a Treasure Hunt! Our Treasure Hunt had 3 parts (1) search for an insect that matches your, (2) create art of your insect, (3) reading your insect sentence. They did a great job!
On September 21st, 2021 we have witnessed the moon on its brightest and biggest phase this year.
Did you see it? If you have seen it, you will agree with us that although it was cloudy, the moon was beautiful.
Most of our K2 friends have seen it so, they made their MOON ART.
Wonderful artworks K2 FRIENDS 🙂