Amicus Kindergarten

Learning to play. Playing to learn. :-)

Thank you!

Thank you dear parents for coming to our Open Class this week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The K1s were happy to see their parents. We had a great time.


In Phonics Time, K1s learned about letters V and W. They learned what comes before and after V and W. They reviewed some of their past dictionary vocabulary words through chanting. K1s also colored, cut and pasted their vocabulary picture in their ongoing dictionary. Parents could see how their child enjoys learning and understanding so many things in English.


In Activity Time, K1s they identified garbage (burnable, non-burnable, compost) through a treasure hunt. They presented their treasure in front of their friends. On Tuesday, K1s learned about recycling, how to read they recycling labels and then played a memory game with the labels. On Wednesday, K1s talked about plastic garbage in the ocean. They enjoyed “fishing for plastic”.





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Compost and Radishes

K1s are learning about compost so they can be super Earth Savers.

They learned what is compost and what is not. Everyday they compost and separate their snack and lunch food scraps, wet garbage and dry garbage. Together with K2 friends they make compost to use in our Kinder Garden.

Our Kinder Garden- 20 days radish

We have been growing radishes in our garden. We have made a time line chart to show how much they have grown.

By day 20 we could see the radishes! K1s want to take them home to share with their families so they decided to keep them in the garden so they can grow bigger. たのしみ!

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K2 visited G1 friends

Our K2 friends are enjoying their life in Kinder. However, it is a reality that they want to grow and learn more. One of the things that they are excited about is being in FIRST GRADE. Thus, they are given the opportunity to visit their older brothers and sisters in Elementary.

G1 friends have been learning a lot. One of their lessons is counting 1-10 in MATH.

They played using dice, counted, and colored the numbers on their papers.

It was great to experience how G1 friends are having their Math lessons but more importantly, it was wonderful to mingle with them. Thank you G1 for accommodating us 🙂

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December Newsletter


イベントカレンダーでは13日(月)に“年中 遠足”とありますが、正しくは“年長 遠足”です。

There was a mistake in the December Newsletter. We would like to correct it and apologize for any misunderstanding.

On Monday, December 13th, it says “K1 Field Trip” in the calendar but it should be “K2 Field Trip”.

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Literacy Fortnight (G5 and K2)

In line with our Literacy Fortnight celebration organized by Miss Masami – our Librarian, G5 friends visited in Kinder. They wrote their recommended books in a postcard, made gifts and even read the stories to our K2 friends. As a response, our K2 wrote back to them to their appreciation to their older brothers and sisters in school.

You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” – Dr. Seuss

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Birthday Party

We are holding our Birthday Party every month. 🙂

Here are some of the wonderful moments during the celebration that we had together.



Have a great weekend 🙂

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December Newsletter

Please click below to view our newsletter☺

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K2 Fun Day

Last Friday, K2 friends enjoyed K2 FUN DAY! Here is a glimpse of this meaningful and fun-filled day! This video also includes their feedback about the activities that we did together. Enjoy watching! 🙂

Thank you to all the TEACHERS AND PARENTS who have supported have to make this event SUCCESSFUL. 🙂

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Sweet Potato Digging

It has been a while since we have been on a field trip and K1s had a great time. On November 16th we went sweet potato digging in Yomitan. K1s said, “We want to do it AGAIN!

After sweet potato digging we went to Zampa Misaki Park for our picnic and walk to the lighthouse. We had a great time!

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K2 Class Flags

From October, K2 friends has been learning about plants. We had “HOW DOES IT SMELL GAME”.

They learned “It is fragrant.” and “It is stinky.”

10月からのK2のテーマは”植物”です! 植物っていろんな匂いがあるな~臭かったり、いい匂いもありました!

After that, we went to have nature walk so they started checking some plants/leaves/flowers and tried to smell them.

Then, they had the idea of collecting gettou leaves, fruits and seeds.


As an experiment, we would like to know if it still smell good and what will be the color of the water after boiling them separately.


Then, we thought of our Sports Day flag idea. Since K2 friends and teachers love tie dye, we tried it.


It was perfect color as base for our flag! After few days of trying their best in making their original flag, here they are! This is a closer look of their own idea and creativity. Otter friends made their macramé leaves and Whale friends sewn their fruits.


Ideas are always made better by a group of people dedicated to a goal. It is proven by our K2 friends who worked hard to think of how they can show their creativity and work together to fulfill their task of creating their own SPORTS DAY FLAG. Good job K2 friends! 🙂

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