Amicus Kindergarten

Learning to play. Playing to learn. :-)

K1 Weekly Mission ( Jan.12 – 16)

Thank you for submitting your Mission pictures!! Great job, Everyone:)

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January Newsletter

Please click below to view our newsletter😊

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Pajama/Christmas Party

Today is a wonderful day for all of us in AMICUS. It became more memorable because of our Kinder friends who shared their talents during our Party!

In K2, we had mini Talent Show. 🙂

K1 friends decided the special schedule today. We enjoyed playing a lot at the GYM after lunch. 🙂

We gathered as one Kinder Family to celebrate.

Merry Christmas everyone 🙂

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K2 Beans Sprout

K2 friends learned many things about plant. One of the things that we did is to experiment if “Beans Sprout Seeds” will be able to grow on water and cotton.

They check and took care of it everyday.

They were really happy to see the bean sprout growing so they wanted to take care by themselves so, we gave them that chance.

They sprayed water as soon as they come in the morning, during breaks and before going home.

However, there was a delay in the growth of the beans. We are guessing that it could be because of the weather. 🙂 But today, they brought them home. Please talk to your child how was the experience of growing beans sprout seeds. They expressed the idea of growing it for few more days then, they would like to cook and eat this vegetable. However, some friends desire to plant them in a bigger pot and hopefully harvest the seeds in the future. Whatever your child decides is fine. If you want to share few pictures when they come back on what they did to the beans sprout, it will be greatly appreciated. This would be helpful to continue encouraging our K2 friends to be more responsible and plant-loving students.


Have a wonderful HOLIDAY SEASON 🙂

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Coral Farm, Melody Beach and Iha Park

K1s enjoyed another super field trip! We observed how coral grows, and went to Melody Beach for clean up garbage (Super Earth Savers- yay!). Then we ate lunch and played at Iha Park. Finally, we walked home from the park- but K1s decided to continue their garbage pickup as we walked back to school. They are really thinking about how to take care of our Earth. Fantastic!!

To the Sango-en Coral Farm…

To Melody Beach…

To Iha Park…

Back to Amicus…

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December Birthday Party

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K2 Phonics Quiz Bee

Our Kindergarteners are listening and encountering many English words everyday. We also learned more of it during ACTIVITY and PHONICS Time. Starting April we reviewed the alphabet and letter sounds based on what we’ve learned in K1.

Then, we had many different styles of learning the alphabet and words. These are some the games that we had to remember new vocabulary and sentences.

Even during distance learning, we never missed Phonics Time.

After summer break, we continue to learn more.

Of course, we also enjoy creating something beautiful using the alphabet.

Those are some of the memories that prove that our K2 friends enjoy learning the alphabet everyday so, we came up of a challenge for them.

Today we conducted our K2 PHONICS QUIZ BEE. This event encourages friendly competition and boost the confidence of K2 students to bring out the English skills they have acquired during Phonics class and their everyday exposure with the language.

At the end of the event, we gave them the Certificate of Participation for their great effort and active participation. Finally, we present to you the winners of K2 Phonics Quiz Bee.

ALL of them were great today so, please congratulate your child for doing an amazing job 🙂

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We have been learning about many PLANTS.

Last Monday, we went out on a field trip to learn more.

K2 friends had 2 MISSIONS:

  1. Find the CACAO TREE
  2. Find the LOTUS and WATER LILY area

CACAO TREE also known as CHOCOLATE TREE was discussed during the trip. We can make chocolate from the cacao fruit.

Prickly Water Lily has roots underneath to protect itself from being eaten by fish.

They also had a good experience making postcard using papiermâché and pressed flowers and leaves.

We also learned about succulents which are originally from African continent.

Then, we walked around found many interesting flowers, fruits, trees and others like insects and sea animals. Here are some of them:

Their had nice observation with a butterfly and eagle.

Student 1: Look, the butterfly’s wings design looks like the eyes of the eagle.
みてみて!ちょうちょのはねの もようと わしのめ がにてるね~。

Student2: You’re right. Look!

Student 3: They really look alike. Wow!

Our students are curious with various plants, so, we had more activities in the classroom to answer their questions.


It was a great learning experience for all of us!

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K2 Activities about PLANTS

We have been learning about plants for long time.

We did many activities in the past few months. One of the examples is the flag idea of K2 friends for Sports Day where tie dye the cloth, made macramé, sew some fruits and stamp paint using leaves.

To continue, we also collected different kinds of plants and experimented on what color will show up if we use it to dye some bags.

During Story Time, Mr. Akiho also shared about some interesting plants.

After those activities, K2 friends have been more curious about different plants so, they asked many questions.

What are the parts of the plants?

What do plants need to grow?

“How does water goes up to the stem experiment”


  1. How does dandelion make a fluffy circle-shape flower? どうやってタンポポは丸い綿毛をつくるの?
  2. When do the seeds start flying? いつ綿毛は飛んでいくの?
  3. How many flowers can you see? 一つのタンポポの中にいくつの花があるでしょうか?

Why do some plants like sweet potato grow sideways and others grow up straight?

Why do some fruits like tomato fall on their own while others are strongly attached on the stem like okra?

What are the safe and dangerous plants in and outside of AMICUS?

How do plants spread their seeds?

We collected many materials like leaves, stems, sticks, flowers, etc. and made our Christmas decorations too.

To be continued… (Tropical Dream Center Field Trip)

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Earth Savers’ Project Continues…

For K1s’ next Earth Saver challenge they want to focus more deeply on SDGs #11, #12, #14 and #15 regarding caring for the Earth through learning how to identify and separate our garbage properly. We talked about what garbage is, categories of garbage and how to recycle or reuse it. Please encourage your K1 to think about how to deal with garbage at home as well.


We took a nature walk and picked up a lot of garbage around school.


Students learned how to sort the garbage by labels paper, paper pack, plastic bottles and plastic. They organized our Kinder materials shelves, too. It looks great. Good work, K1!


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