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Finishing the Summer Break
Hello, K1 friends and parents!! We hope you all had a great summer break🥰
Before summer break we were growing tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots in our K1 Garden. Unfortunately the carrots did not grow. Some of our tomato plants grew but quickly died. Fortunately, our cucumber plants did grow up and we are able to harvest one cucumber from K1’s garden with Azukari friends before the big typhoon came! It was a good experience for the students. We learn that sometimes growing food can be difficult, but we will try again! We are planning to plant winter vegetables after K1s return and learn how to better take care of our crops. We hope no more typhoons will come 😉
AMICUS will resumes tomorrow!! So, we would like to announce about what students need to bring here. Please make sure that your child bring these things in the below:
🌺Tool box
🌺 Towel
🌺 Inside shoes
🌺 P.E. hat
🌺 Library bag
🌺 Extra clothes (2 sets)
🌺 Communication book
🌺 Lunch, Snack and Water bottle
🌺 Summer mission(poster or book, phonics homework)
Thank you very much for helping your child to complete their summer mission✨ We are very looking forward to see it and having fun with K1 friends again!!😍
See you tomorrow at AMICUS!! 💗💗💗
🌊🏊♂️Water play and Summer Clothes Day👭
Yehey! It’s summer break. But before that, we had a really fun day.
We received bunches of banana from G2 parent. Kinder friends were amazed to see green bananas turning into yellow. So, yesterday we ate bananas during snack time.
After that, we had water play.
Then, lunch time! Itadakimasu 🍱
Time for the Summer Clothes photos 📷
K1 Group Learning continues🍅🥒
The days have been long and sunny, but K1s have continued to learn a lot in spite of the heat.
This week we divided the class into 2 groups for Group Learning Time. We learned more deeply about tomatoes and cucumbers. We used our 5 senses (感覚)to learn about these foods. Their different observations were very interesting. Some friends said, “Tomatoes are quiet”(トマトは静か), and “Tomatoes are plump!” (トマトはぷにゃぷにゃ) . Some friends said, “Cucumbers smell like muchi”(キュウリはムーチーのにおいがする), and “Cucumbers taste bitter.”(キュウリは苦い) We shared our observations and made poster cards of our senses.
Life Cycle
See (sight) : 視覚
Hear : 聴覚
Smell : 嗅覚
Taste : 味覚
Touch : 触覚
K1の子達に観察の結果を聞いてみたところ、たくさんの気づきがありました。また、五感に関する bumpy, smooth, rough, hard, soft, round, long, sweet, bitter, sour, spicy, salty, yummy, crunchy, crispy, juicy, quiet などの英単語も同時に学んでいます。そして、group learningで学んだことを、お互いに発表しました。
G8 visited K1
11日(火)は、G8の生徒たちが来てくれました。彼らはK1のお友達のために素敵なname tagを作ってくれました。メッセージカードとともに私たちにそれを与えてくれました。さっそくそれをバックパックにつけている子がたくさんいます。G8、ありがとう!!
🍰July Birthday Party🎉
Our Birthday friends made cake early in the morning.
Here is a glimpse of our celebration.
Although it is hot daily, it is nice to see the beauty of nature and the clouds in the sky. We, in Kinder are so happy that the weather is good everyday. During our nature walk, we found Hibiscus (ハイビスカス) and Ixora (さんだんか) flowers blooming near our building.
There are also different kinds of insects around. Many of our friends are interested in insects. During outside play, our Kinder friends found an interesting “yellow” praying mantis. According to a specialist, there are only 1 out of 300 praying mantis as shown on TV. We are taking care of it now.
Some friends brought many stag beetle that they were taking care of at home. So, we had a special meeting, decided the rules and agreed on how to take care of them.
3 friends made a cicada and shared with us some trivia. Also, one of our friends shared with us some footage of the metamorphosis of cicada. Please watch the video.
We also read some books to learn more about the different insects.
We also started learning a new song.
We also had some quiz about insects.
K2 friends were also amazed to research and learn about the different body parts of some insects.
Our K2 friends also enjoyed walking around and catching some insects.
They also made their favorite insects. Please watch the video below. 好きな虫を工作にもしました。是非ビデオの確認もお願いします。
After that, we made a graph of the most favorite insects of our K2 friends.
Please talk to your child about insects. Enjoy playing at the park weekend. Stay safe and healthy. Keep hydrated. 🥤是非、休日は公園へ虫探しを!★熱中症対策、気を付けましょうね!😊
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐊𝟏
Today is July 7th, the Tanabata festival in Japan. The K1 friends learned about Tanabata from Story Time, and made strips of paper which they wrote their wishes and hung them on bamboo. Also, they made some decorations with the origami!
Water Play & Outside Play
We really enjoyed water play and outside play!!! It was super fun!!!!
This week, we reviewed letters from A to G with the sounds, actions and worksheets.
K1 friends learned how to make animal poses with their bodies and divide into two teams to play the ball game. When you hit the wall with ball, your team will gets 1 point!!!
Autivity & Gardening
K1 friends learned about many plants by reading botanical illustrated books. Then they chose their favorite plants and made a Plants Book. From next week, we will be divided into a tomato group and a cucumber group, and we will start group learning to learn more deeply. We also do our best in gardening!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone 🙂
✨🌟Star Festival /七夕🎋⭐
Last week Ms. Sawako read a book about Tanabata.
Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival, is a Japanese festival. The story talks about Orihime and Hikoboshi. Every 7th of July is the day that celebrates the meeting of this two deities. It is also believed that when you make Tanzaku and hang your wish in the bamboo tree, when this two deities meet, your wish will come true. So, our Kinder friends also wrote their wishes.
Today, Ms. Masami also read the book about Tanabata during Story Time when they went to the Library.
They also sing a Tanabata Song during their MUSIC Time.
🌠May all our wishes come true!💫
K2 Eisa
Today, we have our special guests from Ryukyu Kajimaya (琉球かじまやー). They introduced Eisa to our K2 friends and they were really interested in learning the Okinawa traditional dance.