Amicus Kindergarten

Learning to play. Playing to learn. :-)

Gingerbread cookie recipe for Holidays!

Thank you so much for participating in the many events we had in December. In particular, the Open Class cooking time where you made gingerbread cookies with your child! We made great memories! Some parents asked us for the recipe so they can make it at home again! We will share the recipe here so you can enjoy baking some yummy cookies during winter break! Have a wonderful holiday season with your special gingerbread cookies!



350g (3 cups) plain flour・・・小麦粉350g
100g (1/2 cup) butter・・・バター100g
1 tsp baking soda・・・重曹小さじ1
2 tsp ground ginger・・・ジンジャーパウダー小さじ2
175g (1 cup) light brown sugar・・・砂糖175g
4 tbsp golden syrup (honey)・・・はちみつ大さじ4
1 large egg・・・たまご1個


1.Pre-heat the oven to 190C / 170C fan.


2. Put flour in the bowl


3.Put butter in the bowl


4. Mix with your fingers


5.Put in sugar


6. Put in baking soda and ginger


7. Mix it together


8.Put syrup in the bowl


9. Mix an egg in a small bowl


10.Put the egg in the big bowl


11. Mix together with your fingers


12. Make a ball


13. Roll out the dough


14. Use cookie cutters to make shapes


15. Put cookies on wax paper


16. Get ready for baking!


Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until they become a slightly darker shade. If your shapes are smaller, check them after 7-8 minutes. Cool slightly, then lift on to a wire rack to cool.

オーブンで10〜12分、少し濃いめの色合いになるまで焼きます。 形状が小さい場合は、7 ~ 8 分後にチェックしてみて下さい。 焼いた直後は少し柔らかいですが、冷ますとサクサクのクッキーになります。

You can enjoy the gingerbread biscuits as they are or add some icing decorations.



K1 friends also enjoyed playing a Christmas BINGO Game. Everyone won a prize. It was so fun!

最近のK1 friendsは、クリスマスやお正月に向けて、工作や音楽やアクティビティーに毎日楽しみながら取り組んでいます。先日は、Christmas BINGO game を楽しみました!

Tomorrow will be our last school day of 2023. We will enjoy making a lot of fun memories!


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K1 Open Class

Thank you for coming to our Open Class! We all had such a great time cooking with you. It has been a long time since we have been able to cook together with parents at Kinder. It was wonderful to see everyone working and smiling together! Please enjoy our photos!

Cookie Decorations

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👏K2 Phonics Quiz Bee✍️

Our Kinder friends have been learning English everyday. Today, our K2 friends challenged and tried to show what they have learned so far. But before that, we relaxed and danced first.

Then, we proceeded with our QUIZ TIME.

All of our K2 friends were especially amazing and impressive today. Everyone received their certificate of participation.

Hooray to our winners.

GREAT JOB K2 FRIENDS!!! You are all wonderful.👍

After our event, we ate and played outside.

💖Let’s continue playing and learning together K2 friends.😊

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K1 Sweeeet Potato!!

K1 friends had a wonderful time digging for sweet potatoes in Yomitan. Some sweet potatoes were BIG and some were small and thin but they enjoyed searching for their treasures!

Picnic fun at Cape Zampa!

After lunch we had a great time playing at Cape Zampa Park

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November Birthday Party

Last week, we had our celebration for our birthday friends. But before that, they were busy making cake with sweet potato from our field trip.

Here is a glimpse our party.

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😊𝐊❷ 𝓢𝐰𝔼εт Po丅ᗩⓉ𝑜 Ď𝐢ᵍǤᎥŇ𝐆 🍠

We listened to the stories about the sweet potato and learned how they grow.

Today, we went to Yomitan to dig some sweet potatoes but we were surprised to dig huge sweet potatoes!!!

All of our K2 friends tried their best to dig the sweet potatoes. Yehey!!!

After that, we went to Zanpa Park. We ate our delicious lunch.

Then, we played at the park.

We also had our “Otsukare treat” today 🙂

Good place, good friends, good weather, good day!


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Food Festa- It was so fun!

K1 friends had such a great time during our Food Festa and we were so glad parents could enjoy it with us. Please enjoy the photos!


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K1 Cucumber Adventures Continue…

We continue to harvest delicious cucumbers. This week we harvested 3 cucumbers. We ate cucumbers with different flavours. K1 friends were so excited to try!

Cucumbers and salt flavor…

Salty kelp and sesame oil flavor…

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👏Food 🍽️ Festa 2023😊

Today we are lucky to have heard about different countries’ culture and taste their delicious cuisines. We have invited parents of AMICUS students who are also from different countries.

Thank you for joining us today 🙂

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Kindergarten Sports Day

Dear parents, thank you for coming and joining us last Friday. Here are a few snapshots of our event.

We appreciate your help, support and encouragement so that our Kinder friends can show their skills and enjoy. We have another event on Friday, see you then 🙂

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