Now K1 friends are learning about Countries and the 7 continents (North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania and Antarctic) during Activity time!
Researching about Jamaica
Researching about Australia
Researching about South Africa
Outside play and Gardening
The weather has been beautiful this week, K1 friends are having lots of fun playing outside!
It was a perfect day to ride the horses! This week the weather was very, very cold, but thankfully it warmed up enough for us to enjoy getting to know our Amicus horses Louisy, Bolt, and Puma.
Leaning about how to ride the horses.
We experienced brushing the horses.
We experienced cleaning the horses hooves.
We experienced feeding the horses.
We enjoyed touching our beloved Amicus horses. K1s look forward to their next horse riding activity.
K1s were happy to see each other again after the break. We started our time together by telling each other about our experiences. We enjoyed seeing some of our friends’ photos. Thank you for sending them to us!
We had fun playing together in the Gym!
We enjoyed reading a Japanese picture card book (kamishibai) and playing the new year’s game, fukuwarai. It was so funny!
We ended the busy week with making and flying our homemade kites. It was a great week!
It’s a new year! At the beginning of the year everyone takes time to think about what they want to do or what they want to do better this year. K1 friends also made such “new year’s resolutions”. Enjoy their wishes for 2024!
Happy New Year 2024! Wishing you all a wonderful New year! We are so happy to see your child with their big smiles are back to Amicus!! K1 friends made the New Year’s Cards(年賀状)using recycled paper before the winter break. It was such a great experience for them because reusing paper and reduces waste are good for the environment too. Did you receive a handmade New Year’s Card? Please enjoy watching the group pictures!
Starting next week, we will be busy preparing and practicing for our Performance. We ask your cooperation, understanding and encouragement. Thank you. 😊 来週から、発表会に向けての準備や練習が少しづつ始まっていきます!2年間幼稚園で学んできた事を発表できたらなと思っています。ご協力よろしくおねがいします。
K2 friends are now learning about different countries as well as their plants, animals and language. Last Tuesday, we went to Tropical Dream Center to learn more about the different plants around the world. We also made postcards and decorated them with dried flowers. K2の子どもたちは現在、さまざまな国の植物や動物、言語について学んでいます。先週の火曜日、私たちは世界中の植物についてもっと学ぶために、熱帯ドリームセンターに行きました。ポストカードも作り、ドライフラワーで飾りつけしました。
🌿It was indeed a wonderful experience for our K2 friends.🪷