Amicus Kindergarten

Learning to play. Playing to learn. :-)

🌴🏖️ K2 after Summer break 🍧☀️

After the Summer break, K2 friends are happy to be back. Surprisingly, most of them ask first how’s AMICUS and our plants. So, we had a nature walk to check around. Although, we are sad that many trees and other things were destroyed, we are relief to see that many plants are still growing beautifully.

Nature Walk

Checking of Homework



Quiz/Experiment Time


Outside Play

😊We are happy to be back.🥰

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🌊🏊‍♂️Water play and Summer Clothes Day👭

Yehey! It’s summer break. But before that, we had a really fun day.

We received bunches of banana from G2 parent. Kinder friends were amazed to see green bananas turning into yellow. So, yesterday we ate bananas during snack time.

After that, we had water play.

Then, lunch time! Itadakimasu 🍱

Time for the Summer Clothes photos 📷



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🍰July Birthday Party🎉

Our Birthday friends made cake early in the morning.

Here is a glimpse of our celebration.

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Although it is hot daily, it is nice to see the beauty of nature and the clouds in the sky. We, in Kinder are so happy that the weather is good everyday. During our nature walk, we found Hibiscus (ハイビスカス) and Ixora (さんだんか) flowers blooming near our building.

There are also different kinds of insects around. Many of our friends are interested in insects. During outside play, our Kinder friends found an interesting “yellow” praying mantis. According to a specialist, there are only 1 out of 300 praying mantis as shown on TV. We are taking care of it now.

Some friends brought many stag beetle that they were taking care of at home. So, we had a special meeting, decided the rules and agreed on how to take care of them.

3 friends made a cicada and shared with us some trivia. Also, one of our friends shared with us some footage of the metamorphosis of cicada. Please watch the video.

We also read some books to learn more about the different insects.

We also started learning a new song.

We also had some quiz about insects.

K2 friends were also amazed to research and learn about the different body parts of some insects.

Our K2 friends also enjoyed walking around and catching some insects.

They also made their favorite insects. Please watch the video below. 好きな虫を工作にもしました。是非ビデオの確認もお願いします。

After that, we made a graph of the most favorite insects of our K2 friends.

Please talk to your child about insects. Enjoy playing at the park weekend. Stay safe and healthy. Keep hydrated. 🥤是非、休日は公園へ虫探しを!★熱中症対策、気を付けましょうね!😊

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✨🌟Star Festival /七夕🎋⭐

Last week Ms. Sawako read a book about Tanabata.

Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival, is a Japanese festival. The story talks about Orihime and Hikoboshi. Every 7th of July is the day that celebrates the meeting of this two deities. It is also believed that when you make Tanzaku and hang your wish in the bamboo tree, when this two deities meet, your wish will come true. So, our Kinder friends also wrote their wishes.

Today, Ms. Masami also read the book about Tanabata during Story Time when they went to the Library.

They also sing a Tanabata Song during their MUSIC Time.

🌠May all our wishes come true!💫

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K2 Eisa

Today, we have our special guests from Ryukyu Kajimaya (琉球かじまやー). They introduced Eisa to our K2 friends and they were really interested in learning the Okinawa traditional dance.


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☮️Kinder Peace Week🕊️

June 23, 1945, is the day the battle of Okinawa ended. In 1961, Ryukyu Government decided to make June 23 a holiday called “Irei no Hi ” to console and remember those who lost their lives and pray for peace. To commemorate this important event in Okinawa, we learn about peace and gratitude with our Kinder friends. We dedicated June 19-23 as our Peace Week. 1945年6月23日は、沖縄戦が終わった日です。1961年、琉球政府は、この悲惨なできごとを忘れず、平和への祈りをささげる日として、6月23日を慰霊の日と定めました。沖縄にとって、とても大事な日を追悼するために、幼稚園でも19日から23日を平和週間として、子どもたちと一緒に平和について学び、考えてきました。

K1 friends learned about what peace looks like, how we can act peacefully. We read, “Peace is Beautiful” (へいわってすてきだね”). Some K1s stood up and shared with everyone what they think peace means, for example, peace means “no fighting”, ” we can eat a lot”, “we can grow up because there is no war”, “everyone is alive”, ” we can enjoy playing together.” We enjoyed making our “rainbow peace doves” this year as well, focusing on the age-old meaning of the rainbow- as rain washes the earth, we can wash our hearts and become as peaceful and beautiful as the rainbow. K1の子どもたちは平和とは一体どんなものなのか、“へいわってすてきだな”の絵本を読んだり、自分たちは平和に関して何ができるのかということを考えたり、学んだりしました。何人かの子どもたちは、友だちの前に立って平和にはどんな意味があるのかを発表してくれました。例えば、“けんかがないこと”“たくさん食べられる”“戦争がないから大きくなれる”“みんなが生きていること”“一緒に楽しく遊べる”などが出されました。また、昔から伝わる言い伝えの話もしました。雨が世界を浄化するように私たちの心も平和に、美しくしてくれますように。そして虹がかかるよう願いを込めて、平和を象徴する“虹の鳩”作りも楽しみました。

K2 friends listened to many peace-related stories by K2 Teachers and Miss Masami. We also made different peace crafts. K2の子どもたちは、平和に関する絵本をライブラリーの時間やアクティビティの時間で聞いたり、平和への思いを込めたアートを作ったりしました。

Then, we had our Peace Assembly. We listened to the story いただきます and performed peace-related songs. そして、幼稚園では平和集会を行いました。平和集会では、沖縄戦についての絵本『いただきます』を聞いたり、平和の歌をみんなで歌ったりしました。

Yesterday, we had a special challenge. NO SNACK and NO ELECTRICITY DAY.  昨日は、平和な日常を改めて感じようということで、「NO SNACK and NO ELECTRICITY DAY」と題して、特別な日を過ごしました。

Many friends said, “It’s dark!” “It’s scary.” “It’s hot here.” in the beginning. However, they trust that we are together in this challenge. Although we agreed on NO ELECTRICITY DAY, we talked to our Kinder friends and decided that we will turn on the AC because of the temperature and humidity. We started the day with our normal routine. Later on, K1 and K2 friends started preparing for our lunch. 子どもたちは登園してきてすぐ、「くらいのってこわい」「きょうクーラーもないの?」と色々な声が子どもたちから聞こえてきました。普段当たり前に使っている電気が、いかにありがたいのかをみんなで感じ、考えました。※その後、子どもたちの体調を気遣いクーラーはつけました。

1.They went out and got some gettou and banana leaves. When they come back, we wipe the gettou leaves and heat up the banana leaves. 月桃とバナナの葉をアミークス校内からとってきました。

2. Measure and wash the rice. お米を量り洗いました。

3. Cut the sweet potatoes. お芋を細かく切りました。

Cooking Time!!! 🍚

Now, our big pot of rice is ready. Yehey! 😊

It took us the whole morning to prepare for this and it’s all worth it. We enjoyed our lunch. 🙂

After this, we gathered and thought together how we can be peacemakers in our everyday lives. We also discussed the importance of electricity and food that we are enjoying everyday. We ended this gathering with a speech from Miss Collins and a song from Kinder Teachers.みんなでおいしいおにぎりを食べた後は、みんなで平和について改めて話し合いの場を持ちました。そこで、Ms.コリンズから、ピースメーカー(平和の輪を広げていく人)の話があり、自分たちなりの平和を考えました。最後には、先生たちで「月桃」を歌いました。☮️

Before the day ended, G5 friends came to read books and make origami. 降園前に、5年生との交流会も行いました。

We wish everyone PEACE everyday. At 12 noon today, please pause for a while and pray for peace all over the world. Have a great weekend :)今日は、ご家族で、これからの世の中が平和になるよう、想いを馳せる時間を持ってみてくださいね。🥰

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Happy Father’s Day (K2)

We celebrate this great person in our families. We wish all your Dad, Daddy, Papa, お父さん happiness and success!🥳

💗👨‍👧Thank you for all your love and support.👨‍👦💖

Enjoy your day. Happy Sunday!😊

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K2 Field Trip at 沖縄気象台

Today, we were blessed with great weather and wonderful experiences. We were warmly welcomed by the facility staff.

Then, they immediately introduced 3 special equipment to us.

We put water on the rain gauge and used fans to make the wind meter spin.

After that, we went to inside their building.

Then, we had a special lecture.

The next part was really interesting. We were divided into 3 groups.

We learned about TORNADO. Although we don’t really see tornado here in Okinawa, we learned to be careful and hide in a sturdy building in case we see it in other places.

We also learned about RAINDROPS. Everyone was amazed how the tiny droplet of rain goes up. We also learned that it is actually sphere.

We tried the wind meter again. This time, we’ve seen it spin fast because of the electric fan. That’s when we realize that if it is windy, it will spin around fast and show us the direction where the wind is coming from.

Lastly, we went to their working place where the special computer shows the weather condition on earth sent by Sunflower satellite.

We left the facility with grateful hearts and minds full of meaningful learnings today.


Before going back to school, we ate lunch and played at Yaeshima Park.

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May Birthday Party

Our May Birthday Friends made cake this morning 🙂

Here is the glimpse of our celebration today. 🙂

Typhoon is approaching, be safe everyone 🙂

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