Our K2 friends learned a lot about INSECTS. However, they had lots of question so they researched to find the answers. Then, they presented in front of everyone to share with them more information about insects.
Our K2 friends love reading books. Last year, they borrowed books from Kinder LIBRARY.
But this year, they go to AMICUS LIBRARY. Meet our LIBRARIAN 🙂 We go to the library to return and borrow books every WEDNESDAY except when it is raining or holiday so we usually postpone it to the next day. K2では、毎週水曜日AMICUSの図書館に行き絵本を借りています。雨の日や休日などは行くことができないので、その場合は、図書館司書と相談して翌日行くこともあります。
They also read books there.
Miss Masami also read a book for them every time we visit her.
PLEASE LET YOUR CHILD BRING HIS/HER BORROWED BOOKS INSIDE A LIBRARY BAG ON or BEFORE WEDNESDAY. Let’s continue reading and loving books! 😉 毎週水曜日には図書館利用を行いますので、子どもたちと一緒に絵本と、絵本バッグの準備をお願いします。
Learning Insects names/spelling through TREASURE HUNT GAME
Learning about Praying Mantis’ EGG through OBSERVATION
May 31, 2021 —> We caught the pregnant PRAYING MANTIS. カマキリをつかまえたよ!
June 2, 2021 —> The Praying Mantis laid an EGG. カマキリが卵をうんだよ!
June 21, 2021 —> We leaned that the praying mantis’ life ends before the egg hatch so we release the MOMMY praying mantis so it can enjoy its days outside. カマキリのお母さんは、卵が孵化する前に死んでしまうっていうことを知って、みんなでマミーカマキリを逃がすことにしました。
July 1, 2021 —> The Praying Mantis hatched and look! It gave birth to a lot of nymphs. 卵からたくさんのカマキリの赤ちゃんが生まれたよ!!!
July 2, 2021 —> We release the nymphs and take care of just a few.カマキリの赤ちゃんを少しだけ育ててみることにしました。残りのカマキリの赤ちゃんはみんなで逃がすことに決めました。
Learned about PARASITES through SHOW and TELL
We heard from Mr. Naka’s lecture that when a parasite gets inside the praying mantis egg it bears a different insect. Our Kindergarteners did not have any image of this so, they were not able to understand this statement. But today, we had our first-hand information through one of our Kinder friends who also observed an egg of a praying mantis. Mr.Nakaでのレクチャーで、かまきりの卵に寄生する虫もいて、かまきりの赤ちゃんが生まれてくるとは限らないというお話を聞きました。でも、みんな寄生のイメージが持てませんでした。図鑑や本で調べていたけど、それを理解することができなずにいた中、今日のshow and tellで、それを実際に見て学びました。
“I was waiting for baby praying mantis to come out but I am surprised to see a different insect came out of the egg!!!” he said. An insect went inside the praying mantis’ egg, ate the nymphs inside and took over the egg that’s why this phenomenon occurred. (発表したお友達の声)「かまきりが生まれると思って楽しみに待っていたけど、違う虫が出てきた!」「おながあしぶとこばちっていう虫の名前だよ」「調べて分かったのが、しっぽを(かまきりの)たまごにさして、たまごをうんだんだよ」
Through our Show and Tell, our Kinder friends are able to share their interests. This also helps them think critically by sharing information and asking questions to satisfy their curiosity. Show and tellをすることで、色々な疑問や不思議をみんなで解決することができました♪
However, we have few unanswered questions today. 1. Why does an insect get inside someone else’s egg and make it like their own house? 2. When they are little, they eat praying mantis. What about when they grow up? 今回のShow and tellを通して、子どもたちは、また新たに疑問を持ちました。「なんで自分のおうちをつくらずに他の虫の卵にうむの?」「赤ちゃんのときは、カマキリの赤ちゃんを食べるけど、大人になったら、何を食べるの?」・・・
Because of this, we challenged everyone to check picture books/encyclopedia/other materials to research more so we can find the answers together! また、図鑑や本などを使って一緒に疑問を解決していきたいです!
LEARNING is truly an unending process. Let’s learn more together. 😉