Amicus Kindergarten

Learning to play. Playing to learn. :-)

Kinder Strawberry Picking Experience

Yesterday we went on our last field trip of the year to a Kanna Strawberry Farm in Ginzoa. It was a great experience. Students could see how strawberries are grown and how to harvest them- “KONNICHIWA!” We even learned a little bit about how strawberries are good for our bodies- VITAMIN C POWER!

Some friends said, “I ate 20!”, “I ate 50!”, “I ate 100!!” WOW!

After strawberry picking we went to Iha Park here in Uruma City. We played and ate and enjoyed our walk back to school. The weather was BEAUTIFUL! We hope they were able to talk with you about their sweet day!

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Wonderful day for K1

We enjoyed our day!!

Special activity with K2  年長クラスとのクイズゲーム

Lunch time 昼食

Outside play time 戸外遊び

Setsubun Art and Throwing beans 節分アートと豆まき

We enjoyed our wonderful day!

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AMICUS is blessed with big space and beautiful surroundings. We usually go outside for a nature walk. For over a month, Kinder friends did not just walk around but also practice running for the Marathon. Fortunately, the weather is good yesterday. We are happy that we had the chance to finally to hold this special event.

After Marathon, we had a special game. Rock-Scissors, Paper, 1,2,3!

It was really a fun day! But before we forget, we acknowledge the determination and hard work of all our Kinder friends so everyone got a special certificate. Also, we have a small gift for our game winner and medals to our TOP 3 Marathon runners for both K1 and K2.


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K1 Calligraphy

K1s also enjoyed the experience of making beautiful calligraphy. Students learned how to use calligraphy brushes (fude) and ink (sumi). We know you too will be impressed with their amazing artwork.

After the calligraphy, they had fun time with their friends.

Some scenes of their daily life…

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K1 Field Trip to Okinawa Kokutou (2022.12.19)

Sorry for posting this video late but please enjoy watching what K1 friends did on that day!!

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How Kinder friends made handmade postcards.


As each family received a Nengajou on January 1st, you probably heard from your child how they made their postcard.


There are a lot of waste pieces of copy papers or scraps of papers in Kinder. First, Kinder friends ripped up the papers and put them in a mixer. They also put a hand-full of colored paper after they discussed their team’s color with their group members. They were so excited to mix them up!


After adding some glue in it, they poured it in the special frame in the water. They enjoyed mixing with their hands.


Kinder friends learned how to make handmade paper and how recycling is important and meaningful through this activity.

We hope that you received the NEW YEAR postcards that we sent. 🙂 Have a wonderful 2023 everyone!

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Kinder Holiday Crafts

Our Kindergarteners are learning and making many crafts to show their skills and creativity.

K2 friends made their Sports Day frames and pottery. They also made many Christmas ornaments that they brought home at the beginning of December. They also made/sewn their own Christmas bags and brought them home during Pajama/Winter Clothes Day.

Our K1 friends also made their bags using used clothes and snowflakes. They also brought them home with the presents inside during the same event.

After Christmas, New YEAR came! Since it is the YEAR of the RABBIT, K2 friends made their New Year’s Resolution at the back of their cute rabbit arts.

It is nice to see these smiles again 🙂 Happy New Year everyone. Let’s challenge more in making many arts and crafts this year!!!

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The 1st day of K1 in 2023!

Welcome back everyone! It was so great to see the students’ smiling faces and hear about their Winter Break memories. Some families travelled. Some stayed at home and made wonderful memories here in Okinawa. Teachers are glad everyone could rest and relax (or recover from illness) and that we can continue our last 3 months of school. Here are some pictures from our fun first day back.

Snack and Outside Play

Checking our soybeans- unfortunately, our soy beans did now grow. We were sad but K1s were about to think about why our third try had failed. They said they want to try again so we will discuss again how to grow sow beans and, if possible, challenge and try again!

We had good fun in the classroom, too.

We also enjoyed learning about Japanese New Year with K2 friends. We wish for a blessed and prosperous year for all our Amicus Families!

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Kokuto Factory and Iha Park

Today we visited the brown sugar factory in Yomitan Village as part of our Food and Nutrition theme. Students were amazed to learn about how healthy sweet brown sugar is made. They learned a lot from the tour. They were happy to be able to take some kokuto (brown sugar nugget) home 🙂

After the brown sugar factory we went to Iha Park to have our picnic lunch and play. Afterward we walked back to Kinder. It was our first time to walk such a long distance together. The walk 3km in 50minutes. They did a SUPER good job!

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K1s and Teachers were so happy to FINALLY have (Mini)SPORTS DAY! Although we could not show everything, we were so happy to show you some of our skills and how we have been growing throughout this year. K1s “challenge and tried” today and, thanks to parents’ participation and support we were able to have a fun and successful event. Again, Mommy, Daddy, thank you for coming!







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