We would like to remind everyone of our Mini Performance on Friday.
Our Kindergarteners are excited for you to see what they have learned from April to May.
See you at AMICUS Multi-Purpose Hall😊
We would like to remind everyone of our Mini Performance on Friday.
Our Kindergarteners are excited for you to see what they have learned from April to May.
See you at AMICUS Multi-Purpose Hall😊
Last week, K1 friends enjoyed their strength and muscle building through these activities.
This will be our goal until the end of the month of May.
Please watch this. ↓
Salute to all Mothers! 😊
K1 friends decided to give this present today.
1. They planted cosmos last April 16-18. They visited and watered their plants everyday.
2. Then, they drew/wrote their message for their Mommy/Mama/お母さん.
3. After that, they painted the milk box that served as the bag for their plant.
4. With love, the flowers grew and bloomed in time for Mother’s Day😃
Note: Please continue taking care and loving these cosmos at home with your child.