On February 3rd, we had a simple Setsubun Festival at the school.♪ Setsubun festival marks the end of of the winter season and the beginning of the spring in the old Japanese calendar. In the olden days, people believe that around this time evil spirits were roaming around their towns. To drive out the bad things, people would throw beans while saying “Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi” and they would eat ehomaki, or rolls facing a lucky direction. In doing so, everyone will live a healthy and happy life. This tradition is still celebrated up to this day.
In K1, we read a picture book titled “Onakanonaka ni oni ga iru” (“There is a devil in my stomach”) and asked ourselves, “What is the devil inside of me? We thought together, “What is the Oni inside of me? The children seriously thought about which Oni they wanted to get rid of and made their own Oni, such as “the Oni that gets sad easily,” “the Oni that only plays games,” “the Oni that fights,” “the angry Oni,” and “the Oni that is shy”.
Before the bean-throwing ceremony, they declared one by one in front of everyone which Oni they wanted to get rid of! Now, it’s time to throw the beans. “Oni wa soto! Huku wa uchi!” Everyone enjoyed the bean-throwing ceremony!
After the bean-throwing ceremony, children said, “I got rid of the devil! I will become a better person!”
Beware however, if we forget our promise and repeat bad habits, the Oni may come back! Let`s always keep trying to be better person!

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