On the last day of K1 we had time to share gifts with teachers who have helped our K1s to growth throughout the school year. We also said good-bye to our beloved principal, Mr. Dakin. We appreciate all of our Kinder teachers and administrators who worked hard and cared for the youngest Amicus students of 2023-2024.

Also, many K1 friends shared about what did you enjoyed in K1. They said “I enjoyed outside play!” “I enjoyed Marathon!” “I enjoyed Activity, Music, Phonics, Art, PE, Human pyramid, Gardening, Dodge ball, Strawberry picking …..” We had lots of wonderful memories together in K1!
And, after many months of waiting, our tomatoes finally turned red! Azukari kids were able to harvest the last of our garden vegetables.
Thank you parents, so much for all of your support throughout this first year of your child’s Amicus career. We wish everyone a safe and healthy Spring Break and look forward to seeing how these “old K1 friends” will grow in K2.
Love, Ms. Hanae & Ms. Berry
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