K1s have been enjoying a lot of activities related to their theme- ANIMALS. They are enjoying discovering the beautiful nature and small animals around them.
Nature Walk
Last week we renewed our K1 garden. We decided to plant 4 crops- tomatoes and cucumbers (we want to try again), and eggplants and green peppers. We enjoyed Quiz Time- guessing which plant grows which vegetable. K1s used their 5 senses. It was fun!
Afterwards we began planting…🌱 Grow plants, grow!!
“Learn to play…Play to learn” Learning letters by playing karuta.

“Nabe, nabe…” なーべーなーべー、そーこぬけー♩をペア・大人数でチャレンジしてみました。😊
現在K1の子ども達は「Animals」について学んでいます。Land animal, Water animal, Flying animal について識別ゲームをしたり、Hide and seek( かくれんぼ)にちなんで、Kinderに隠れている動物カード探しをしました。絵本・歌・動作・ワークシートなどを使って、動物の動き・体の部分(動詞・名詞・形容詞)などについても学んでいるところです。😊
K1s are developing their art skills. Activity #1- how to draw your body and Activity #2 printing with shapes.😊
Drawing my body… 😊
Printing with shapes…😊
Outside play
Bean bag challenge!
K1s have been learning how to juggle using the bean bags. They are working on 3 skill challenges- please ask your child to show you at home.
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