Our PEACE Week has been concluded. As a recap, we look back at the activities that we had from Monday to Wednesday.
On Thursday, June 23rd, we commemorate the Okinawa PEACE MEMORIAL DAY (慰霊の日).
Last week, Friday, we had a PEACE ASSEMBLY. Prior to that day, we ask our students a question: “What does peace mean to you?” We asked them to think and present their answers.
Below is the video of our event.
After that, we had play time in each classroom with K1 and K2 as partners. They played musical chair and newspaper dance.
Then, in the afternoon, G9 friends came. They observed Kindergarten a month ago and came up with different toys that thought are appropriate and interesting for them.
True enough, they had fun. As everyone agreed on, PEACE means HAPPINESS. Let’s continue to be peacemakers Kinder friends. ☮️
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