We did SO MANY things this week in K1! We really want to show you…
Nature Walk- We walked around Amicus and saw many different trees, flowers, fish, horses, birds and more! We collected many nature materials for our activities.
Getto leaf boats– One K1 friend made a getto leaf boat at home and brought it to show friends. Students said they want to make one, too. So we collected many getto leaves on our nature walk and made leaf boats.

Japanese music- This week students enjoyed their first Japanese music lessons. They are learning about rhythm, movement, and how to sing こいのぼり.
P.E.- Last week we enjoyed playing with balloons in the Gym. This week K1s learned how to use good manners in the gym, and how to stretch their bodies well, and how to have fun “P.E. style“. They enjoyed moving like animals and practicing their jumping.
Outside play- We spent a lot of time outside this week. We enjoyed running, playing, digging in the sandbox and catching tadpoles and frogs. Students wanted to learn more about frogs so they read books about frogs. After observing them, they let it go.
K1 garden- We started planting seeds in our planter pots. We are looking forward to learning how plants and food grow!
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