Halloween day snacks
Thank you for your generosity, we have a lot of snacks here!
G2 students are already excited about Halloween!
Students will bring home snacks from our Halloween activity and also eat some of them on October 31st. Please check the ingredients below and if your child has allergy or cannot eat any of these snack for any reasons, please let us know.
We look forward to another fun event with G2. Thank you again for your support.
Multiplication song くくの歌
We are now studying Multiplication. Please sing at home too! かけ算のお勉強を始めました。歌いながら楽しく九九を覚えられるようご家庭でも一緒に歌やチャンツに取り組んでみてはいかがでしょうか。
Protected: Thank you for coming to our Open Class
Protected: G2 PBL practice and presentation with Mr. Tsuchiya and G1
来週火曜日のオープンクラスについて G2 Open Class
On Tuesday, October 22nd, we will have our second Open Class. We have planned a fun-filled day with music, PE, and PBL, where you can move your body together with the children and listen to their presentations.
Music will take place in the music room of the annex building, PE will be held in the MPH, and PBL will be in the G2 area. Please make sure to be in the correct location at the scheduled times.
Musicー音楽室にて授業参観 Music lesson
PE-MPHにて子どもと一緒にボッチャ対決 Boccia game with parents
PBLーG2エリアで子どもたちのPBLの学習発表会 PBL Presentation
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is designed to foster independent thinking, learning, and expression in our students, while also promoting cross-curricular learning through group activities. This year, our 2nd-grade students are focusing on “mangroves,” a topic they have been studying in their Life Skills class.
時間 Time | 2A | 場所Place | 2B | 場所 Place |
1時間目 8:55~9:40 | Music | Music room | P.E. | MPH |
2時間目 9:45~10:35 | P.E. | MPH | Music | Music room |
3時間目 10:50~11:35 | PBL | G2 area | PBL | G2 area |