Reminder for tomorrow’s Field Trip 12/12/2024
Our field trip will be held tomorrow, at Okinawa Comprehensive Athletic Park. Students will learn how to make “Rolling bread”. They will come to school in their P.E. uniform and P.E. cap. They will eat what they made at the site so it is better to have small lunch. Please also have your child bring the following items in one bag:
· Water bottle 水とう
· Small towel ミニタオルまたはハンカチ
· Picnic mat ピクニックマット
· Snack (worth 200 yen or less) 200円以下のおやつ
· Small Lunch 少なめのおべんとう
· Gloves (cloth) 軍手
・ Rain coat 雨がっぱ
PD Reminders明日のパフォーマンスデーについて
さて、駐車場についてのご案内を今週月曜日にお送りいたしまいたが、駐車場内での事故やけがなどを防止するため、集合時間(Session 2 – 13:45)まではお子様と一緒に車内で待機していただくようお願いいたします。
Tomorrow (Saturday, November 30th) will be our Performance Day. Today, we can hear the energetic voices of our students practicing in various places around the school.
We would like to remind all G2 students to wear their FORMAL uniforms and bring their water bottles tomorrow.
As for the parking lot, we sent you a letter on Monday regarding this matter. To prevent accidents and injuries within the parking lot, please wait in the car with your child until 1:45 PM for 2nd session.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.