🤩During Summer Break, our K2 friends did a lot of activities or went to many places. They have fun and interesting stories so we thank you dear parents for helping and letting them present their summer break project/memories.
夏休みのミッションにご参加ありがとうございます。夏の思い出を作品にしたり、好きな生き物を工作したり、また、自分の興味あるものを調べて発表したりと、子どもたちにとって、とても刺激のあるShow and Tellになりました。
Our K2 friends used any of these sentences appropriate to their Show and Tell when they presented. 1. This is a _____________. 2. I made a ____________. 3. I went to ____________ with my _____________. After that, they spoke in Japanese to explain further details of their presentation. This activity gave them more confidence to speak in front of everyone and improve their communication skills. We are really happy that we have learned a lot from them. This activity also develop the listening and thinking skills of those who are watching them because they ask questions after each presentation.
Although we are already finished with the Summer Project Show and Tell, if your child went somewhere, made something cool or wants to share anything interesting with us, please don’t hesitate to bring it to school. We will find time to have Show and Tell. 😊
今回のShow and tellを通して子どもたちは、様々な経験をすることができたと思います。英語での説明や(1. This is a _____________. 2. I made a ____________. 3. I went to ____________ with my _____________. )日本語で、作った時の思いや工夫した所などを発表し、周りからたくさんの歓声をもらい、子どもたちは自信がついた様子でした。
今回のミッションは一旦終わりですが、引き続き子どもたちの、興味関心のある作品を紹介する機会を設けてますので(Show and tell)楽しみにしてます😀
👍👍👍🥰 Again, thank you dear parents for your support. GREAT JOB EVERYONE ❤️👏👏👏
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