Today we went to the Katsuren Fisheries Association in order to learn about mozuku, Uruma City’s specialty food. Mr. Furugen taught us about how mozuku is grown, processed and shipped to grocery stores and other prefectures. We enjoyed tasting the mozuku and touring the facility. K2s were able to ask questions about the seaweed and were very interested to hear the answers.

Mozuku tasting.

Touring the Fisheries Association facility.

Where salt is added to prevent mozuku from spoiling and also where mozuku is canned.

The freezer where mozuku is stored until it is distributed. It was SO COLD! -20C

Question and Answer Time
Before our field trip we discussed our questions about mozuku. Questions included: How does it grow? How do you feed it? Why is it brown? How do you get mozuku seeds? How is it good for your body? Please talk to your child more at home about it.

Yonashiro park

It was such a nice field trip!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
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