We have been learning about plants for long time.
We did many activities in the past few months. One of the examples is the flag idea of K2 friends for Sports Day where tie dye the cloth, made macramé, sew some fruits and stamp paint using leaves.
To continue, we also collected different kinds of plants and experimented on what color will show up if we use it to dye some bags.
During Story Time, Mr. Akiho also shared about some interesting plants.
After those activities, K2 friends have been more curious about different plants so, they asked many questions.
What are the parts of the plants?
What do plants need to grow?
“How does water goes up to the stem experiment”
- How does dandelion make a fluffy circle-shape flower? どうやってタンポポは丸い綿毛をつくるの?
- When do the seeds start flying? いつ綿毛は飛んでいくの?
- How many flowers can you see? 一つのタンポポの中にいくつの花があるでしょうか?
Why do some plants like sweet potato grow sideways and others grow up straight?
Why do some fruits like tomato fall on their own while others are strongly attached on the stem like okra?
What are the safe and dangerous plants in and outside of AMICUS?
How do plants spread their seeds?
We collected many materials like leaves, stems, sticks, flowers, etc. and made our Christmas decorations too.

To be continued… (Tropical Dream Center Field Trip)
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