Thank you dear parents for your cooperation in sending your child to school early in the morning everyday đ
Since our Sports Day is coming soon, our K2 friends has been busy preparing and practicing everyday. We start the day from 8:15 in the morning. They get ready their things and go outside. From 8:20, we have our morning exercise and challenge. You might have heard it from them or they may have asked you to buy hula hoop or jump rope, again thank you for listening to your child. They have been showing so much improvement in the skills that they have chosen to challenge and try.
We also have Eisa practice every Thursday with our special teachers.
Aside from that, we also have P.E. during the other days.
They have been trying their best everyday so we always remind them to eat healthy food, drink lots of water, rest and sleep early so that they may have the energy to enjoy our busy schedule everyday. They are motivated to show their best to you DEAR PARENTS, so we appreciate your continued support and understanding. đ
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