Recently we have been learning about the life cycle of butterflies.
This week we were busy learning about the life cycles of grasshoppers, ladybugs, beetles and cicadas and making our own research books about it.
We’ve also been learning about which insects around us are dangerous and which are safe. We made our own dangerous and safe insects from recycle material. We put them on our wall so K1 friends can learn, too.
We will start counting the days of school so we are learning our numbers in English more. K2s are growing their number sense, too.
K2s started learning sight words (common words found in children’s books) and working on phonics more. Please ask your child to teach you the “Butterfly, butterfly” song, and the “See the Bug” poem.
We took a nature walk and found many Oogomadara chrysalis’ (pupas), and other insects. We are enjoying discovering insects around us everyday!
We read Eric Carle’s “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. Later we made our names with “Very hungry caterpillars”. K2s looked for the letters of their name on recycle materials to cut and paste on to their caterpillars. We learned which name caterpillars are small, medium, large and short, medium, long.
We learned about “Tanabata” or the Star Festival. We wrote wishes in Japanese and in English: ~がほしいです。(I want a…) / ~になりたいです。(I want to be a…) / ~がじょうずになりたいです。(I want to be good at…)
We participated in G5s Zoom meeting with students in Taiwan. Anna and Kan gave a special message to the Taiwan students from our MPH.
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