係の人の説明では、知らなかったことがいっぱい。 There are many things that we haven’t known.何万匹ものハチがあの巣箱の中に。 Tens of thousands of bees are in those boxes.「手でさわるの、こわくない?」オスのハチは針が無いとのこと。触っても安心。 Male bees don’t have sting so we can touch them.「いいなぁ。次、さわらせて!」「うわ~くすぐったい!」「こんなに近くで見るの、初めてだ。」「どんな味かな~」「おいしかったよ!」
Buzz Buzz 🐝🐝
Thank you for posting some fun from yesterday, now we can see better pictures of what the kids told us all about 🙂
They learn a lot of about buzzing 🐝 bee and get to taste yummy honey 🍯
Great experience! Thank you very much 😊
Keep exploring Kinder Friends 🌈
Buzz Buzz 🐝🐝
Thank you for posting some fun from yesterday, now we can see better pictures of what the kids told us all about 🙂
They learn a lot of about buzzing 🐝 bee and get to taste yummy honey 🍯
Great experience! Thank you very much 😊
Keep exploring Kinder Friends 🌈
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