Amicus Kindergarten

Learning to play. Playing to learn. :-)

Behind the scenes of Family Sports Day 2018 (Creating the K1 class flag)

on November 20, 2018

First, we discussed the outline of the flag. This was the idea students had in creating our flag.

Then we had students choose if they wanted to make the rainbow, tree, or the giraffe of the flag.

Thus, the class was divided into three groups (rainbow, tree, and giraffe) to create the flag.

All the groups went outside to sketch their idea.


Rainbow group:

The group discussed what materials they wanted to use to create the rainbow. Felt was decided and they started to cut the felt to glue it on the flag.




Tree group:

While sketching their idea on how to draw the tree, a leaf fell on a student`s sketch. Then, another student had an idea to use actual leaves and trees instead of drawings.


They collected the materials from outside and used paint, spray, tree branches, and leaves to glue onto the flag.


Giraffe group:

After everyone sketched their giraffe, everyone gathered to combine each giraffe sketch to make their original giraffe!

A student suggested instead of the collection of random drawings, have each student responsible for different parts of the giraffe such as head, face, body, neck, and legs. As a result, everyone contributed to drawing their favorite parts of the giraffe.







After they finished, they chose their favorite color and stamped their group (star and heart).

K1 students said we should add teachers too!


We hope you love our flag!! Good job K1!

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