T-shirts Color

The T-shirt design has been chosen! Over July 8-9, we voted on the color of the t-shirt design: the t-shirt will be navy in color and the design color will be one color. Which color did the children choose! I am very much looking forward to it.

Tシャツデザインが決定しました!! 7月8日~9日にかけて、Tシャツデザインの色を投票しました。Tシャツの色はネイビー色で、デザインカラーは1色となります。子ども達は、一体どの色を選んだのでしょうか!?私もとても楽しみにしています。

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Father’s day Cooking

How was “Father’s Day Cooking”? I was really impressed by the ingenious dishes that each of you prepared. Also, each child proudly showed us pictures in class. We have omitted the photos of the families, but we have picked up a few photos of the food and posted them here. Thank you again for your cooperation!


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