Before meeting our new friends from Taiwan, K2 friends learned a bit about where Okinawa, Japan and Taiwan are using the world map.
After that, we listened to a story about moon entitled ” まんまるいけのおつきみ” during our special story time. We also looked at the pictures of the moon since the Moon Festival is coming soon.
After that, we discovered that our Taiwan friends are also celebrating “Moon Festival”. So, we set up a zoom meeting to meet them.
Today, September 17th, 2021, our Kinder friends witnessed the Moon Festival ceremony of our Taiwan friends.
Our K2 friends showed them a Japanese hand play called “じゅうごやさんのもちつき” and our friends from Taiwan also performed a “Moon Festival” song and dance.
THANK YOU for the mooncake that you sent us Taiwan friends.

To remember our first meeting with them, K2 friends drew on their journal their memory of today’s event. Here are some of them.
This year, the MOON FESTIVAL will be next week, September 21st, 2021. If you have time, please watch the moon on its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn with your child.
9月21日 は大きい満月を見れる十五夜です。幼稚園でも、お月見についていろいろ話をしました。また、今日台湾の幼稚園との交流でMoon festival の様子も知ることができました。十五夜の日は、ご家庭で月を眺めてみてくださいね。
Have a great weekend 🙂
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